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Tuesday, October 29, 2013♥

I think last few weeks I went to meet this sweetie at tem after her work. actually is the whole primary school friends but no one was free. but anyway we had a good catch up, our never ending talk make us almost no bus to go home.

I still remember....
we always exchange the elder sister role to each other when the other one don't know how to think or need a shoulder and even need help. I think she get the elder sister role more often when we were in primary school, because I was the playful and naughty one in class and always get into fight or quarrels. she will wanna join me disturbing others but she always think twice like will we get caught or anything and there to calm me when I'm on fire. hahaha. we have a few more girlfriends but I guess because I know her longer that's why I look for her more. if she can't help or solve my problems her sister and mum will help me. I use to go her house like my house, eat, sleep, bathe, play and alot, because most of the time her house only have the two of us so it belongs to us.

 I can never forget those time when we are living so near each other I always creating trouble below or near her house there and call her down for help, the first thing she do before helping me anything is to scold me. -,- pull my piercing, using her finger to shoot it or whatever then use her bloody index finger to point point point at me like not scare people dulan. sometimes I get pissed but well, I know all because she care. call her up because I broke up with my ex wanting her to lent her ears to me but end up I got scolded for being stupid and so on ~

she is always never fail to be there when I needed someone. after growing up we have our thing to do meet up become lesser and lesser partly because she move to the west, it's kinda hard for us to meet up often but our heart is still as one. we have the same mindset, same target, same goal. other then dancing i give up. ( which I don't want to) I wish the best for her and she wish the best for me. her attitude is kind of the princess type like she wanna know means wanna know but till now we didn't have a real fight at all. I know fight and quarrel stronger the relationship between us but for real we only had like small argue, I guess because we really know each other attitude and what we happen next so no point had a big fight or anything ba.

I know this year is a hard year for her but yet I couldn't help anything. I'm sorry for everything that has happen to her too. I always told her, tho I'm far away from her now after she move but I'm only 8 number away. and I said I will visit her grandpa on sun yet I forget about it and still on that day her grandpa pass away I did not pick up her call. I felt so so so sorry, no feeling could describe how I feel. knowing each other 13+ years going 14 and little thing can't be done for her.

I just wanna say I'm sorry and thank for being strong even I'm not there at the point of time you need me. 


Blogged @ 4:10 PM

Friday, October 25, 2013♥

these are some of the cars we done visit our page below for more view and understanding.

 pink side panel & center panel for this vios
illusion concept decal
pink T10 with yellow tinted fog light for a van
 purple day light
pink day light
 blue T5 install in the meter
pink & blue T5 install in the meter
ice blue T10
 car mat (sliver) with the effect of leg room light. 
carbon bonnet & fender 4D wrap for lancer
 red engine cover, red bar, red engine bay for vios
Sport pedal changed for this vios


there are more car accessorize in our workshop, so come down now and have a look. it''s ok if you're not buying anything come down take a look. nice? and you want it, we give you a good rate and there you go a beautiful car ~

i'll be here from 3pm - 1am everyday but not on monday because we are close on monday !
don't forget to drop pass to take a good look !

we are located @ defu lane 10 blk 11, 01-470, Singapore (539192)

you can contact :

Gabriel - 9155 2561
John - 9394 9970
Sam - 9185 5209

or me @ 9040 5006 :)


Blogged @ 12:15 AM

Wednesday, July 17, 2013♥

tomorrow will be our 2 years anniversary and yet I'm not free. how great would it be? lol. but it's ok cause mr toh won't be free too, he is having duty from 2-7. sad case we won't be celebrating it. belated or advance celebration? I don't think there is a need as long as our love is there celebrate it or not it's not even a matter.

time past really fast, it's already 2 year ! I remember every little thing he said and did for me even the little changes. I'm glad to have a boyfriend like him. tho his attitude still about the same get piss every now and then if a little wrong was done but I still love him. cause that's the attitude I love in him. *somehow?*

form yishun dam to the light he guide me to his love, I knew he is that someone always be there to light up my life with his love and I'm gonna be his forever ~ I'm really thankful for every thing he did for me, surprising me on my birthday every year after I knew him, preparing thing for every special day even I never really did something to his birthday or any other special day. 

I've always wonder how my life would be without him or if I never met him. I always though I'm growing up everyday before I met him cause I try new thing, do new stuff and meet new people but then I realize I was not growing up at that point of time. I tried thing that I shouldn't try, do thing that I shouldn't do and met people that I shouldn't meet. but one thing for sure I was never wrong to meet him because he really taught me how life is. thing that I shouldn't be doing and thing that I should be doing.

I was quite a independent person before I knew him? the person that everyone thought I am but I always needed someone to be there. (I don't mean like someone to be there when I'm down or what, is those everything I also need help that kind) but after being with him life is almost everything about me. (ok, I don't mean that he don't care about me) everything I do is for my own good, first I must know how to take care of myself then I can start taking care of others. (I know ~ everyone know this. don't know how to take care of themselves how to take care others right?) but people closer with me know I'm a super lazy person, and that mean I couldn't take care of myself properly. I can go a day without food if I'm lazy or anything have to do with my laziness. even someone say wanna help me buy food I also can say don't wanna eat because I'm just lazy to and forget to drink water too ! so ~ my lovely boyfriend would start asking, 'did you drink water?' if I didn't ~ (I also don't dare to lie cause every time kena caught one, my lying sound very fake meh?) he will say 'every time need me to remind you, drink water also need me keep saying, how old already still don't know how to take care of yourself' anyway he is kinda naggy this few weeks.

there is good and bad in a person, doesn't mean this person what not good then don't be with him/her, love him/her then give him/her your 99% (1% leave it to yourself.) I don't care what you all have to comment about his bad or my bad? I will be with him no matter what and wouldn't care what you all have to say I'm not fit to be with him, cause I'm sure he wants to be with me. :) *thick face* you hate it or not, give or not giving your blessing I don't care, it's not up to you to decide if we will be together or not. as long as we are happy with it, you face it. 


Blogged @ 3:55 PM

Thursday, July 11, 2013♥

mood currently not very good, because of one time going in hospital due to the heels i'm wearing is too high and I wear it to dance for about 5 hours and everyone don't allow me to buy anymore heels and even worst don't let me wear mine heels. -,- like seriously la? am I going to put those heels there until I die?! ok mummy did ask me sell or give them away, i am willing to give or sell them away unless i'm able to buy new one. for serious I like about 4months I didn't buy heels already buy one to make me happy abit also cannot? the most I don't wear it but at least let me buy it la. some more also not very expensive what ! last time i buy one heels at least need a $50 now I choose $30 also cannot?! heels cannot then wedge why cannot?! wedge count dao lai also not high is the platform make until like very high what but actually it's like only 1 or 2 inch? heels also got platform ma ! the most i buy 3 inch then platform 1 inch lo then 4 inch only. if worst to worst 2 inch with 1 inch platform la !

the more I say the more i'm piss,


Blogged @ 2:35 PM

Monday, July 08, 2013♥

didn't use much of our phone to take photo on that day as we were really busy and before that day we went to drink dead drunk also. so here's some of the photo we took on our phone and sorry didn't upload the brothers photo. haha. 

wish her all the best in her marriage and her small family too ! tho we keep hear her complaint about eddie (her husband) or say wanna break up and even don't wanna get married already but they still love each other deep inside and they can never be separate. 

I'll see if i got the time to upload those photo on that day after they tag me to make you all envy and jealous of them or not. happy marriage to all who just got married too !


Blogged @ 12:22 PM

celebrated jiejie 22th birthday at east coast park and she wanna make it as family outing. didn't had a long day or much thing for us to do but we did spent a nice and fun day at there and later on at about 5 to 6 plus mr toh. 


Blogged @ 12:11 PM

Friday, June 07, 2013♥

did I mention that brownie groom her cut? ok anyway as you can see from the picture, her fur is now damn short. and I think she look cutter this way and more like a poodle. haha. but love say not nice. :( she is way harder to train then I thought, but maybe also because she is still young ba. so gonna have more faith to train her ! and taffy lost 0.5kg ! hahaha. poor taffy, now eat so less already still only 5.5kg for a chihuahua. ok don't be shock she IS a chihuahua and not a jack russel. even tho I know she look a bit like but she is NOT. :)


Blogged @ 7:15 PM

Friday, May 31, 2013♥

I thought I change so much for you but sometimes you just make me feel like I didn't change my sucking attitude at all. so much for so much. tears that should be flowing out I'm swallowing each and every tears down to my heart. my heart is flood with my tears and crying out for help. can't you feel it or even just see it with your eyes?

is it my problem? you said you know it, you see it, you understand it, feel it and appreciate everything but why I don't know it, I don't see it, I don't understand it and don't feel it or just that I don't appreciate every little thing enough? if the problem lies on me the please let me know I am willing to take the lesson.


Blogged @ 7:00 PM

Tuesday, May 14, 2013♥

this is my new love name brownie and she is 4months old. isn't she cute ?! she is a toy poodle but doesn't mean she will not grow bigger, she will but not as normal poodle size anyway she also a short leg poodle. mummy help me to make her until so pretty and cute. after mummy make le still say she vain sia. hahaha. bring her out and so many people say wanna carry and touch all saying her so cute even people with poodle. she is smaller then a ipad, I think 2 and a half s3 phone? of cause is without fur la ~ hopefully she will stay this cute and not grow bigger then taffy. got more of her photo at my fb please like it too because she is damn cute !

sorry for not updating my blog so so so so fucking damn long period. I was busying working and was in hospital for quite a long period of time also. this sat I'm going back to see Dr john and I'm so scared please wish me luck and health thanks !


Blogged @ 3:38 PM

Tuesday, April 09, 2013♥

7th of april, went to jb with love, his friends ben and his girlfriend selena. was suppose to go for interview with jasmine but end up didn't. because it was link to euro company !
jasmine said ; why we must huan tio so big de company leh?
indeed so true, next time people if you'll never plan to stay in those big company then don't go interview or even worst ! work for a few days, this will only make your finding job days harder !

so anyway meet our friend at around 2plus and came back 12 midnight plus plus. in between we to tune their car ~ and ladies that accompany their boyfriend or hubby to tune car should know, it's damn fucking long and super duper boring like fuck de. and what's more we had to travel to so far ~
but lucky selena is there with me. 

ok cut it short because exciting happen also other then our rubbish. hahaha.

and here's our topic for the day.
school reopen !! people start going to school and yeah I still miss school so much ! and this few day I was thinking of going to study ~ I know I know, I waste alot of money already. study half way take exam then never go. but this time I'm not going to take 'n' level as I'm so lazy and I really hate really so much tho my study is really quite good ;) I'm gonna take some course that I like for like finally ! but all this also a maybe only. maybe I'll just stick to working, anyway I'm already so old le. study what also like no use.

bye bye I'll stop here because my mummy is so kpo, standing behind me and read what I typing. -,-


Blogged @ 2:51 PM
