Wednesday, July 17, 2013♥
tomorrow will be our 2 years anniversary and yet I'm not free. how great would it be? lol. but it's ok cause mr toh won't be free too, he is having duty from 2-7. sad case we won't be celebrating it. belated or advance celebration? I don't think there is a need as long as our love is there celebrate it or not it's not even a matter.
time past really fast, it's already 2 year ! I remember every little thing he said and did for me even the little changes. I'm glad to have a boyfriend like him. tho his attitude still about the same get piss every now and then if a little wrong was done but I still love him. cause that's the attitude I love in him. *somehow?*
form yishun dam to the light he guide me to his love, I knew he is that someone always be there to light up my life with his love and I'm gonna be his forever ~ I'm really thankful for every thing he did for me, surprising me on my birthday every year after I knew him, preparing thing for every special day even I never really did something to his birthday or any other special day.
I've always wonder how my life would be without him or if I never met him. I always though I'm growing up everyday before I met him cause I try new thing, do new stuff and meet new people but then I realize I was not growing up at that point of time. I tried thing that I shouldn't try, do thing that I shouldn't do and met people that I shouldn't meet. but one thing for sure I was never wrong to meet him because he really taught me how life is. thing that I shouldn't be doing and thing that I should be doing.
I was quite a independent person before I knew him? the person that everyone thought I am but I always needed someone to be there. (I don't mean like someone to be there when I'm down or what, is those everything I also need help that kind) but after being with him life is almost everything about me. (ok, I don't mean that he don't care about me) everything I do is for my own good, first I must know how to take care of myself then I can start taking care of others. (I know ~ everyone know this. don't know how to take care of themselves how to take care others right?) but people closer with me know I'm a super lazy person, and that mean I couldn't take care of myself properly. I can go a day without food if I'm lazy or anything have to do with my laziness. even someone say wanna help me buy food I also can say don't wanna eat because I'm just lazy to and forget to drink water too ! so ~ my lovely boyfriend would start asking, 'did you drink water?' if I didn't ~ (I also don't dare to lie cause every time kena caught one, my lying sound very fake meh?) he will say 'every time need me to remind you, drink water also need me keep saying, how old already still don't know how to take care of yourself' anyway he is kinda naggy this few weeks.
there is good and bad in a person, doesn't mean this person what not good then don't be with him/her, love him/her then give him/her your 99% (1% leave it to yourself.) I don't care what you all have to comment about his bad or my bad? I will be with him no matter what and wouldn't care what you all have to say I'm not fit to be with him, cause I'm sure he wants to be with me. :) *thick face* you hate it or not, give or not giving your blessing I don't care, it's not up to you to decide if we will be together or not. as long as we are happy with it, you face it.
Blogged @ 3:55 PM

mood currently not very good, because of one time going in hospital due to the heels i'm wearing is too high and I wear it to dance for about 5 hours and everyone don't allow me to buy anymore heels and even worst don't let me wear mine heels. -,- like seriously la? am I going to put those heels there until I die?! ok mummy did ask me sell or give them away, i am willing to give or sell them away unless i'm able to buy new one. for serious I like about 4months I didn't buy heels already buy one to make me happy abit also cannot? the most I don't wear it but at least let me buy it la. some more also not very expensive what ! last time i buy one heels at least need a $50 now I choose $30 also cannot?! heels cannot then wedge why cannot?! wedge count dao lai also not high is the platform make until like very high what but actually it's like only 1 or 2 inch? heels also got platform ma ! the most i buy 3 inch then platform 1 inch lo then 4 inch only. if worst to worst 2 inch with 1 inch platform la !
the more I say the more i'm piss,
Blogged @ 2:35 PM
didn't use much of our phone to take photo on that day as we were really busy and before that day we went to drink dead drunk also. so here's some of the photo we took on our phone and sorry didn't upload the brothers photo. haha.
wish her all the best in her marriage and her small family too ! tho we keep hear her complaint about eddie (her husband) or say wanna break up and even don't wanna get married already but they still love each other deep inside and they can never be separate.
I'll see if i got the time to upload those photo on that day after they tag me to make you all envy and jealous of them or not. happy marriage to all who just got married too !
Blogged @ 12:22 PM