Tuesday, November 20, 2012♥
overdue photo, photo taken on unleash yourself 3 organised by canto sparks.
of all photo, no matter is joey's phone or my camera, you can't find my boyf in it. cause he is way too busy entertaining other people throughout the whole event same as the previous event. like seriously lo. there are still afew at photographer there haven't upload. so the next event you guys must come when i jio you cause i will have no one accompany me if all go.
Blogged @ 11:34 AM
happy 16th month anniversary !
tho it's not long as few years but 1 year plus it's really long for me and love already. for those who don't know my relationship don't last more then half a year, only for some. :) and those lucky one. hahaha.
i love him no matter how his attitude suck. no one like other people to attitude them specially the one you love. i hate it when he give attitude but i know if not for his bad attitude i guess no one could really control me already. and that's why, we all love something different.
we all fall for a person when we feel that he/she is different in our eyes. and that's why he is special to me :) because to me he is really different. tho i always say i can find a better guy then him, i can find someone who will care more and everything a lot a lot more then him but still i choose to stay with him. i don't need or want any guy that will dote me more or anything, i just want him. even till the day he don't love me i'll still be loving him and not giving up.
to the one i love i really don't how to sweet talk but i just wanna let you know even you heard me say a lot of time already. darling i love you ! and i'll accompany you walk through your hardest days with you and everything will be over soon, hope you will let me stay in your life no matter how i piss you off cause i really love you a lot.
and here's a video to share with you'll i made for his birthday as he made one for me on my birthday. :)
Blogged @ 11:15 AM
Friday, November 09, 2012♥
this is my new hair, cut by joey she was train by tony and guy. so end up most part of my hair was cut by them. like so lucky la ! haha. i know it doesn't look alot different but if you are the kind will keep look at peoples hair or mine then you will realise actually there is alot different. like jasmine we seldom meet now but she realise my hair different.
recently taken with my two younger sister, left is rosanne and kimmy on the right.
7 of nov which is joey's birthday, i went to find jasmine at her break time at tam, after she finish her break time went to t1 new look shop shop but only for awhile cause i'm a heels but half size smaller then make until my leg very pain, some more alone walk and phone going low battery so i went home. haha. like stupid lo. after i reach home ting ting called me and asked i wanna go eat dinner with her or not. just nice i was hungry and house didn't cook. so went nex to meet her and had ajisen for our dinner. then shop around to wait for yiling and then

we brought this and it cost a bomb ! lucky got promotion and we like aunty lo, see thing good buay tahan and straight buy. while we are looking at the person promoting this to us wyron (meatball sweetheart) suddenly touch my hair when the person say hair. like fuck lo, lucky 7th month over already if not i sure the all the people at nex heard me shout. after that we went to teadot to wait for yiling end work. we also ask wyron to join us. then head back to serangoon north to wait for joey and zhizhi.
had a small celebration for her and chit chat waited for love to reach then until about 12.15 everyone went home.
Blogged @ 3:27 PM
Friday, November 02, 2012♥
went to meet jasmine on wed to hougang mall for our lunch. and a little catch up time as we didn't text, call or meet up like for weeks. and of cause some photo were taken :) forever we must take picture de. haha. anyway help her with choosing heels and some other item. separate at around 6 plus as she is going to meet her friend. after i reach home like half an hour i cannot tahan anymore so went back hougang mall with mummy and sister to buy a nail polish because before that i was tem by jasmine to buy.
told boyfriend i going back hougang mall and he is like 'just reach home then now going back again just for your nail polish and my heels?' ya ~ and by the way i almost buy heels ok?! like shit me ok. -,- this year i only buy 2 heels and one is because my heels spoil. so counted as 1. don't count the slipper all those i only buy 1 heels ok?! like fuxk me, fuxk me, i wanna buy heels ok fuck you ! argh ~ i make a promise to myself that i will only buy it on next year jan for chinese new year or maybe one for this year xmas ? haha. i really wanna buy heels so much you guys know?! if only someone is like me crazy for heels, we could be best friend forever ~ hahahaha !
ok, shall stop the topic for heels, if not i really going crazy le. and one more thing i really wanna say it. i've been piss by quite a few people in my life with the same thing. well, i admit that when i have boyfriend most of the time i won't contact guys cause i know my boyfriend wouldn't like it or sometime they don't allow me to. but i'll still call/reply/text or even call them if i really have the need to or maybe something to chill thing out. i know it sounds like i only find them when i need help. but you guys really need to understand if i really find them when i need help, 1 point they are important in my life or people that i will seek if not you think i so nothing better to do find them? and if they find me for help i will still help them.
and fyi i will always contact my good sister wilfried and my gong gong benjamin and they are guys or matter my boyfriend allow it or not cause they are just like my family member i can always seek their help no matter what happen. and this include i will anyhow text them when i'm boring.
iya, anyway what i wanted to say is please don't be a fucking idiot and keep your gf/bf away from their friend. some may though your other half are ok or you got let them talk/meet/text their friend is they don't want only. please please ! all humans are the same ok?! where got people find them too much money or too many friend? hello?! this is earth and people make friend everywhere ~ don't be too selfish to keep them to youself ! this is something that i cannot stand anymore. i text this person don't want reply, scare girlfriend unhappy. -,- find a girlfriend that is not so sensitive but of cause you'll always must be faithful la don't go around sweet talk with girl. sure the girlfriend hate it and then afraid to let you contact other girl la. but if you're all along faithful then your girlfriend don't let then must be your fucking selfish gf and you can kick her off already because she totally have no trust in you ~ and what a relationship needs to have is trust !
and one more text him reply short short, half way never reply. and this will make your girlfriend happy then i tell you might as well don't reply. i bu si han ok?! specially my buddy, got girlfriend forget me, 2 words 1 meaning for you. FUCK OFF! i don't need a buddy like you, tho i'm really thankful for what you done for me in the past but now were in the present !
i know every time people will say in a relationship already still flirt around not good all that but hello ~ people are not talking about flirting around with girls, i'm just saying when you need to call/text or meet up with some one please don't act like you fucking faithful to your girlf or boyf cause you are just one faithful dog that are afraid of your gf/bf will don't want you. DOG! don't call yourself a best friend, good friend, buddy, sister or brother to anyone when all you care for is your gf/bf like they are the only important person in your life. if your so call good friend birthday, in hospital, a gathering or their family member pass away and you are happily with your gf/bf having fun outside then please, don't expect the people to call you their brother, sister etc. at least you make an effort or what? it's not like asking you to break up with your owner, doggg ~
one more person treat me this way, hell yeah you're not worth to be my friends anymore ! and i'm serious about this ! really piss with those person better not call or text me if not i'll sure screw your life up. hais. i think that's it for now. felt so comfortable vending my anger here. currently waiting for boyfriend, cause he say 10 plus coming over to my house and fetch me to sheena's house. we're having mahjong tonight again. :)
by the way i need you guys to help me spread my page and add me up ya. soon will be opening a shop. help me just press the like below to my page and like the page for me ya.
and one more about the Canto Sparks event, the tickets are selling fast and for now the sofa are all fully booked so you want any standing table and tickets fast now and text/call me ! all info are available below :)
Blogged @ 10:46 PM