this is one of the photo taken at isnap.
for people keep asking me where was it taken all that. the website is just at the bottom right hand corner, just go to the website and you will know more about it.
the price is quite reasonable, and wanna have a shot faster go now cause now they are celebrating their 1year anniversary and having promo now.
i don't know when will the promo end so hurry up ! :)
anyway the overall price for our photo shoot was 200++ because we have 8 people. and fyi if you'll are bring dogs, dogs are also counted as one person. and that's why we have 8. :)
there's is too much photo so i didn't wanna post all, if you'll wanna can just go my fb and take a look. and by the way my fb photo is still not all.
this few days busying with jiejie birthday stuff. anyway my sister birthday is coming soon, so don't forget to wish her uh ~ ;)
i'm waiting for her to be back and help her with her birthday stuff and currently i have nothing to do !
all my friend have found their job and i'm still rotting at home. :(
ok shall end all my rubbish here, gonna go grab some food to eat already, super hungry you mei you?!
tata everyone !
Blogged @ 12:48 PM
the day before yesterday went dow with shan but we didnt shop long.
after that head down tam to meet up with mandy.didnt use my phine to take any photo.
but not to worry as i said i will show them who they are i'll upload the photo when mandy tag me.
anyway mandy friend also came, and guess what i thought the friend was ahbee.
she look so alike to ahbee can?!
partten also about the same even jasmine say so.
and anyway nice knowing her too. :)
after that rush back to boyfriend house to celebrate his mummy birthday.
and today celebrating boyfriend ahgong advance birthday.
went to eat with his whole family and i look so weird cause i'm the only outsider. haha
after celebrating his ahgong birthday went down to downtown chalet to celebrate his friend birthday.
its like so many people birthday lo.
few more days to my sister 21st birthday le.
guess she will be suprise with her presents and her birthday cake.
it cost me so much can?!
lucky whole life time only got one 21, hopefully she like it.
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Blogged @ 2:14 AM

Yesterday night went in Malaysia with boyfriend. And before we go in Malaysia, boyfriend need to go to his camp to past back the restroom key just because he forget to gave back after using, but the worse part is yet to come.
And so ~ accompany him back and guess what I'm not allow to go in and I know but I have to wait outside for him. I thought he just need to past it to his friend outside only but no he need to go in. And wtf, I have to stay outside alone in the dark place. It's so scary can?!
lucky he didn't take too long. So after that went in Malaysia. Yesterday didn't eat there we but we still took quite long. Reach about 2 plus to 3.
today was suppose to meet ling and mao but end up that stupid fur had dinner with her boyfriend family so cancel at the last min. Thought I could meet them talk talk. I miss them! OK I know I get to meet them quite easy but I mean, meet all of them like we used to when we were young.
Just too bad . Hopefully we manage to meet up again.
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Blogged @ 11:10 PM
time passes so fast ! it's already 11 been with precious and next month is 1 year le. excited, happy and alot more. this was the 1st relationship that i lasted so long. and was the hardest? haha. why i say hardest is because this guy of my is a attitude fucker, but i still love him alot because fyi i'm the one the woo him not he woo me de ohs !
ok anyway i'm not gonna share how we know each other and how we got together all that. maybe like for now only. next time maybe? who knows ~
but i guess each and everyone of you'll know that i love him alot. i have break up with him like half a day and thought of never going back to him cause i'm not those type of girls that will beg for the guy back but you know what it's a totally cmi thing for me la. some friend may know he is not that softhearted once i say don't want to be with him back he also won't contact or do anything to ask me back that's why i never really say don't want him. and i can't do that too !
this relationship is both of us de, i also don't wanna say i don't like him what what what, the more i say the more i make people wanna break us apart. although i had a very weird dream on our 11 month, hopefully one 1year nothing will happen. anyway..
Blogged @ 1:59 PM
Hello hello, long time no see. This is one of the new friend I meet at mlm. Her name is shan.
And hor, guy friend please do not Hong her in fb or what ah. Let me know your eyes will become mouth, mouth become ear.
Want number must ask me first, people is liang jia fu nu cannot let you all playboy play de.
Anyway yesterday went movie with her the 2nd time already. First time went to watch the 'snow white don't know what de' with her friend Sam and boyfriend. Yesterday watch very funny show, pardon me for forgetting the movie name. With her Sam and boyfriend.
Hope to meet her up soon. :)
Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6
Blogged @ 11:23 PM