Thursday, September 29, 2011♥
finding a job is like a stress to me also.
lazy to find, can't find the job that i want.
so many problem.
anyway uncle was still in icu, one or two days only is just a lie la !
drag until sunday then can visit him. :(
heartbeat almost stop, everything almost just ended like this.
and my mood keep going up and down this few days.
keep abit jiu angry, i've been giving precious alot of problem and attitude.
i admit i was behaving ridiculous this few days, but i just shouldn't help me.
but my lovely boyfriend is so damn sweet to me.
afraid that i will be hungry at all and don't wanna eat rice.
he brought alot of cup noodle, lollipop, chocolate, ice-cream and etc..
i know, all is junk food but he did buy my fav chicken soup and alot alot.
plus those is eat for fun de his mummy and my parents got cook rice all that de, so don't worry.
too much to say, scare i finish saying then you all get hungry or envy of me.
he is so gonna nag at me already cause he ask me eat but i didn't.
also can't blame, no mood to eat. *feeling so sick*
Blogged @ 4:32 PM
Wednesday, September 28, 2011♥
unhappy thing keep coming in my way no matter how i block it still hits me. :(
yesterday was indeed a bad luck day for me.
i can't believe so many thing happen just in a day.
anyway i'm deciding to close or not to close my blog, twitter and fb.
sometime all this is really useless to me or should i say it's not very usefully.
and i don't really needs it anyway ~
i decided to have a blog because i don't wanna have a diary anymore.
i use to have one very interesting one which some of my friend have already seen before.
photo, bookmark sticker and even hand fold heart are inside.
like totally a cool la.
but mummy is always looking into my diary, handphone text and etc.
so i change it to blog because she don't know how to use it ;)
but the longer i have blog the lesser thing i got to post.
maybe i've lesser rubbish and childish thing to say, haha !
twitter and fb is also about the same.
i've been thinking for quite long already, give some suggestion please ~ :(
i really hope my uncle will get well real soon.
mummy don't allow me to visit him and i don't really know why.
and her stupid reason given to me was under 21 years old can't go in. =,=!!
rubbish right?!
but she say she will bring me go if uncle is transfer to normal ward.
but currently he is still in icu maybe today or tomorrow will change to normal ward already.
Blogged @ 9:33 AM
Tuesday, September 27, 2011♥
my uncle is in A&E now and i'm right here sitting down doing nothing.
i know even if i go down now i can't get to see him also.
guess people that always read my blog will know which uncle i referring to.
the uncle i always mention about since i was young.
like after that time finally nothing already and now again.
i was super worry, super scare.
although i don't remember everything at that time, trying to reflect thing but everything look so blur.
but i do remember how he hold my hand, the smile,,
my hand was his fav..
i really hope he remember who i am.
all i can do now is to wait, wait wait and wait.
i don't wanna wait !
maybe things are not as serious as i thought but who the hell won't get worry and anyhow think?!
i just wanna say treasure the loved one while they are still around.
don't wait till they are gone and you start to regret it, till then everything is too late.
i admit i was really afraid of him when i was young,
but who won't be afraid, he is a dan ki lehx, *don't know i got say wrong or not*
how would i know what is that when i was young.
awhile he is my uncle awhile he is a god?
awhile normal awhile jump like a child.
his house was full or god, and the whole living room is red.
tell me who of you are not afraid if you were a kids.
when i was older i stop seeing him not even on new year.
his condition wasn't getting any better but worst.
sometime i really regret running away from him when every time he wanted to him me.
now that i wanted to see him, he already don't remember who i am.
keep telling myself to stay strong, just like what bf told me.
no point crying, he won't get better even if i cry.
so much thing so much thing i wanted to say and share to you all.
trying to control my emotion, trying not to cry too.
i sometime i felt really stupid i wasn't that close with him, don't remember much thing in the past.
dislike or even hate him but why am i always crying when i heard his thing.
is it because of concern as a family or guilty and regret, never been good to him for once before?
hate the feeling, hate myself.
everything gonna be alright, right?
just like what you told me when i was young,
'not to be afraid, i am here with you'
Blogged @ 12:08 PM
Friday, September 23, 2011♥
currently blogging at precious house, like first time :)
abit not use to it due to his key board.
a ~ wait ah, i think i did at his house blog before, i also complain about keyboard.
his keyboard is really a hard to press lo, no lie.
i did say that i couldn't blog at my house cause no picture already but i still can at his house blog.
i put my picture all in his com so stay tune for more update ohs ! :)
today stay at love house until about 7 plus then went back to my house and bathe.
then meet qian and sam at my house downstairs.
after that head to loyang.
done praying then back to love house.
currently he is playing game, no no no i should say he all he way playing game.
the stupid soccer !
i'm gonna disturb him until he care me. ;)
Blogged @ 11:44 PM
Tuesday, September 20, 2011♥
i know i look abit siao siao in this photo but i still look pretty *please agree*
and alot people say nice ok?!
so no bad comment for this photo or i'll be angry !! :)
i was posting something half way but i end up deleting it away, haha.
not important though but it was quite long. *hand tired*
i just wanna clarify everything out on that post but don't seem to see the point now.
but as long as you understand i totally fine with not posting it out or angry, really :)
and of cause i hope you won't get the wrong meaning or unhappy anything?
anyway this post is not for anyone to comment it also.
just letting my beloved boyfriend to know,
no one like quarrel right?
hey, i like that say doesn't mean i quarrel with him or we everyday quarrel hor.
quarrel is sure have thing but our relationship stay very strong ok?
don't believe try knock us down lo. :)
ok, enough of rubbish.
go back to what i wanted to blog for today.
now that i have repost everything i shall make a small post jiu hao. super lazy.
ah, shut up i know i already posted quite long already but that one diffrent ok?!
that one is for my darling and not for you all de.
here comes the post for everyone.
hmm.. i yesterday went boyfriend house as per normal but we laugh almost the whole day la.
as what you can see from my twitter.
boyfriend is such a joke but also disgusting freak ok?!
always bully me de la. *angry* but still love him lots lots.
he lose to me for the bejeweled so today will listen to whatever thing i say.
haha, yesterday fart at me right? later show you what is die ! muahaha!
nah~ i won't be so mean to my own boyfriend de ok? *angle*
currently i'm talking on phone with that stupid freak of mine, he is now on the way to another camp.
like happy only lo, can early early go home but i'm more happy.
get to see him early plus i can bully him more.
remember i'm still the angle :)
ending today blog here gonna go chat chat with my darling already ~
tata !
Blogged @ 3:16 PM
Monday, September 19, 2011♥
out of a sudden i feel like blogging but don't know what to blog, haha.
so i on my lappy and wait until now then blog.
everyday doing the same thing.
wake up wait for boyfriend come my house fetch me then go his house, eat, sleep or watch show.
seldom go out also le.
but last few days meet pat sam and qian to watch 'johnny english reborn'
nice and funny show but i laugh mostly because those people are laughing.
heard my sister say there is a part one for that, later shall go look for it.
the first part was call 'johnny english'
like what you heard at the first part of the show last five years he was a excellent spy,
or something like that?
ok anyway my dear little xiao qian is so call sick?
everyone please pray and hope hard she is ok hao bu hao? thanks ah ~
Blogged @ 4:56 PM
Friday, September 16, 2011♥

I had a.hard time feeding taffy every afternoon, all thanks to yu pei. She change her dry food and taffy is so not use to it.
Anyway i'm using my phone to blog. :) it's just a try out and not bad ehs. Haha. Still learning how to use it.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
Blogged @ 1:25 PM
Thursday, September 15, 2011♥
dear heavenly father i pray that everything goes well.
everyone got one bad news for you all, i have deleted away my private blog.
no why just feel that i don't need it anymore already.
so don't come keep asking me what happen why you all can't get it or what.
i delete already. :)
so from now on whatever unhappy thing that i do not wish to let anyone see de i also will write it here.
so everyone get to see what really happen to me.
*i hope i really do so*
anyway thanks joey for always been there when i needed you.
and i will also smile like i use to be.
below this photo other then joey everyone PLEASE close your eyes, DO NOT SEE !
remember this photo?
my promise :)
make small small in case got those those hua dan one that never close their eyes still purposely go see my photo,
anyway see already cannot laugh hor, i know very ugly!!
this one is very long time de photo already.
Blogged @ 3:19 PM
Sunday, September 11, 2011♥
walk up early today cause darling need go bishan pay for the prawning thing on mon.
so went hai bin then went to eat at near by.
after done eating went to my house bathe, actually going imm but darling not feeling well.
so he is not resting or should i say sleeping like a pig now? haha.
so currently i got thing to do so post blog and find thing do until he wake up. *i'm such a good gf* :)
Blogged @ 2:56 PM
Tuesday, September 06, 2011♥
seriously is like a sad only lo !
till now i still can't install the stupid phone thingy to my lappy and i can't upload any photo.
plus now didn't take much picture with precious already.
L-O-V-E i love you and you love me ~
L-O-V-E, i love you, you love me, woo !!
L-O-V-E love ~
ok, i'm abit childish but i miss hi-5 ok?!
this is a hi-5 song for those who don't know.
anyway this song keep repeating in my brains and i don't know why.
haha, and that's the reason why i post it out.
hmm.. let's see, today i'm suppose to have my chinese listening but i didn't went for it. >,
yesterday have chinese paper, written i also didn't went for it.
i know my chinses sure gonna fail anyway so i was really tired so, ya, i'm home :)
ok tomorrow i'm having eng paper written 1 and 2. *nervous*
don't worry, eng i sure go for it, i'll do my best !
yesterday precious was supposedly to take half day leave instead of one day to accompany me.
and today plus tomorrow mc de but now everything change lo.
he can't take mc but today half day.
so hope tomorrow he can take mc or whatever to accompany me go for my eng exam.
now gonna go study and then till ten plus go bathe then meet precious le :)
Blogged @ 9:46 AM