Friday, October 29, 2010♥
hmm.. guess i'll be leaving my blog dead so soon due to some busy-ness and and and something :)
it's just for a few days or week? maybe month or even years!!
hahax :DD joking~
i know when jasmine saw this she will be very angry.
but don't worry i will still TRY my best to blog my private blog,
as for those who don't have my private blog and wanna see it, ask from me~~
and i'm doing this is for the sake of 'him'.
guess some of you will know ba.
i'm sorry for running away from you,
but i guess that's the only thing i can do to help you le,
and i hope you really won't mind.
Blogged @ 1:33 PM
yesterday chat on phone with jasmine zhi rong and liting, but of cause as usual i do the talking most :) time pass so fast whenever i'm talking to jamsine lohx :) miss talking with her so much~
ok, anyway i wake up at 10 plus? this morning. super early right? i slept at around 6 plus? hahax :DD now really cannot sleep so much like i use too le. old liao old liao :(
i tried to to trim my eyebrown myself yesterday but i take the opposite side and i cut my own eyes sia. =,=!! and i make until super ugly sia. *cry* ok anyway i'm very hungry le so ending my post here :))
ok here come the point where i suddenly feel like posting my blog. mummy just now ask me about fabian chua (i just broke up with that guy).
mummy: did fabian contact you?
me: nope.
mummy: then you throw away everything that he give you ahrx?
me: no ah? still have the hello kitty?
mummy: then that one is your new boyfriend give de ahrx? (pointing to a hello kitty in a box)
me: you kpo!
mummy: then you yesterday say you throw away fabian thing?
me: yupe, but not he give de.
mummy: fabian very sad you broke up with him ahrx?
me: how i know ah, plus i don't wanna know also.
mummy: ya la, he make you until like that. (touching my head) you must be very sad right?
me: no?! who wanna be sad over a guy that dosen't know how to treat her girlfriend right?!
mummy: (laughing) ok la, mummy know he control you alot. let go also good la.
me: know jiu hao.
mummy: shi lian is like that de~ (hand rubbing my shoulder)
me: please la!! i never shi lian ok?! do i look like i'm sad or what?! grh~ mummy: ok la, don't have don't have. (laughing very loud while waking away)
Blogged @ 11:52 AM
Thursday, October 28, 2010♥
sometime i wander~
i don't want you to sad, i don't want you to cry and i don't want you to take drug because of me.
i told you alot of time le, not worth it at all.
i ask question like 'why haven sleep, got eat or not' all that because i care and i really do but i guess by doing that i'm giving you hope.
i didn't know i'm giving you hope all this while.
i'm so sorry for making you feel so miserable this few days.
i thought by running away from you will help you giving me up.
i hope by making this decision our friendship is still the same like we use to.
i hope you are still the one that i can seek whenever i'm down.
yesterday actually tonning de but stomach suddenly pain plus getting tired already.
didn't sleep the whole day lohx.
morning 10 plus start using com until now.
currently talking on phone and rotting,
waiting for people to jio me out :))
Blogged @ 1:37 PM
Wednesday, October 27, 2010♥
yesterday sleep until 9 plus then wake up.
so long didn't sleep so long le lohx.
call friend and chat, until this morning didn't sleep.
hahax :DD
yesterday listen to wilfred friend say de thing then told wilfred what i was thinking.
but don't think he really ok with it.
i didn't know what to do at all but to tell him the truth only.
i'm sorry. :(
de de and me me do one stupid thing at a day that make me laugh until siao lo!!
i walk to kitchen then i ask de de,
me: de you cook so fast?!
de de: no la, i didn't cook, i got magic. :)
me: ya like real!
de de: i just blink blink then done le lohx. :)
me: whatever~ =,=!!
just now me me standing beside me then her phone suddenly ring,
me: me your phone ringing lehx.
me me: is it? 0.o
me: ya?
me me: where my phone?!
me: you phone you put where you don't know?!
(me me finding her phone at my table)
me: your phone is in your pocket la!! put liao don't know. =,=!!
Blogged @ 12:02 PM
Tuesday, October 26, 2010♥
super fuck up with the thing i just saw, who the hell with keep as calm as me?! :)
anyway not gonna say here, i post it at my private blog le.
hmm.. let's see what i wanna post neh~
reach home at 8 plus this morning, fishy send me home again. and of cause we ton again also.
ton with beelay, mao, jinyu and wyron. sadded yiling didn't came down cause she put silent!! *angry*
and and and i want to say sorry to wilfred for lying to him that i'm at home but actually i ton.
anyway just now chatted with ben at msn, wanna thanks him for telling me story~ :)) haha :D
actually not really story la, just telling me his stuff and i ask him help about wilfred thingy also.
maybe i should really tell wilfred stright like what ben told me.
guess when he saw this post will be super disappointed ba, but no matter what i still have to tell him some how? (anyway saw this post le contact me)
ohh ya~ kimmy is back to singapore le. :))
she is so sweet la, brough mummy and daddy a couple tee like thought they very young like that lohx.
currently can't get to sleep don't know why lohx, eat also can't eat finish. mummy just gave me abit only not even half a bowl lo.
think some of you'll saw me eat will know how less it is.
anyway so sad that there's a show titled 'piranha' i wanted to watch and it's R21 =,=!! crying so soon. :( i just want to watch it on cinema.
think i need to try get some sleep le, cause i meeting doctor Lim at 6 to 7 plus so hopfully i will wake up on time and won't be late :)
Blogged @ 11:43 AM
Monday, October 25, 2010♥
yesterday ton with yiling, ahbee, mao, fishy, sweetheart and alvin. then at around 3 to 4 plus saw laifu chit chat with him until 6 plus going 7 then go home, thanks fishy for sending me home due to the manic then bo bian. hahax :DD reach home eat again :) after eating then went to sleep, until 2 plus wake up. early hor?? use com until now, going out soon le. make my blog until so late i also don't know. anyway haven finish doing my blog. ok la, need to go already meeting joey they all for dance practice :)) hope today we will not play around.
yiling cute right?!?! (i mean the mouth) :))
Blogged @ 5:35 PM
Sunday, October 24, 2010♥
update, update time~~ :)
early in the morning go church, while in the church text yiling they all see if they wake up already but only mao liangsoon and sweetheart. end church le call fishy but he is awake le so reach home do nothing rotting. just now chat with cheehao daddy awhile, haha :D didn't know he home leave agian. help him make his blog thing then text with him. currently waiting for people to ask me out. night going eat with fishy they all.
stomach ach hope later will be fine. :( i still wanna drink milo :))
i know i did something really wrong, i know i said something really wrong but i'm sure nothing goes wrong, this is the way how i wanted my life to be and i'm really sure of it. nothing gonna change my mind and no one will change my thinking. even if i regreted i won't change. i'm super sick and tired of it. i'm not gonna waste my whole life spenting it with him doing nothing but quarreling. that is not the life that i wanted at all. i told him to change, i gave him time.
i give him all the time he need and cause of him i think i need to go for a check up. think my brain is going to burst at anytime, couldn't think of anything. it hurts alot when i cry or think too much. so must i thanks him for making me like that?! i'm not gonna do that! so don't mistaken that i still want to be with him or what? anyway not me only my mummy dosen't want me to be with him anymore also. mummy said 'wo chong lai mei you kan guo ni ku dao he fa pi qi dao zhe yang ni you shen mer shi ke yi gen wo jiang huo zhe ken ni daddy jiang bu yao zhe yang, mummy kan le hen xin tong ni dong bu dong?' so why must i make my mummy so worried about me?
i'm sure that people that know me long or close with me sure know that i don't easily get angry or give attitude de plus~ alot of people say that after i with him i keep quarrling with him. i wanna be my ownself and i don't wanna be control by other people. my mummy told him don't control me too much cause i don't like the more he control the more i don't wanna listen. so what he did was he control me more, i don't know is he thinking that control me more i will listen.
whatever la, the more i say the more he will get &$%#^& so no point saying anything now. cause i don't intent to get back with him. for those who don't know,, he is running away from me by changing everything that's not related to me.
Blogged @ 2:23 PM
Saturday, October 23, 2010♥
i wanted to cry out so much, but yet there's no tears coming out. :( i just hope i will just cry out this once and not cry anymore. how can you exactly understand or feel how i am feeling right now?! why or how can people change so fast? it's like just a few min and you're a totally diffrent person that i don't know le. suddenly felt so far to you, i use to understand you alot but don't seem to be now anymore. fucking hate myself for what i done, what did i do to make myself hurt so much? i shall just keep myself single and keep myself away from guy, cause maybe i'm just an extra to you'll.
i thought you understand me but you didn't, i thought you will change and yes you did, you change, totally change to a diffrent person. if i had to cry let me cry alone, i don't need you anymore. i just to rely on you, i'll just have to get thing done on my own now. i really don't need you anymore. *i hope i am* i told myself i will get over, i will get over. but i just keep on going your fb and i really don't know why. maybe i just wanna check on you like i also do. i know i didn't trust you mush too but guess trust is not impotem to the both of us anymore le. guess you don't need me anymore ba, you seem to be more happier now then the time being with me. you don't need to spent any money on me to make me happy, etc.. :) i alway wish that you will never lie to me, wish you will never break any of your promises, wish you will love me like how we started, wish you will still care like how you use to care, wish you won't scold me, wish you will trust me more, wish you will understand me more, hope i was the one you really love but of cause i don't need any of this to come true i just wish you truly love me it's ok not to be forever but just once. but everything is the past already, soon i realise i give you chance but no one gave me. sometime i hope i could just end eveything without anyone get hurt. it's alway been the same, when i was crying or sad somewhere alone and you just simply fell asleep without asking what happen. attitude and attitude is alway what i get from you without fail, when will you really understand how i really feel and what i really want form you? i want more of the love and less of the hurt. forcing and giving excuse is what you only know?! do you know am i really happy or not? you will never care how sad i am. i know time is what i need to give you but don't think you need it anymore le.
Blogged @ 6:07 PM
Thursday, October 21, 2010♥
meet qing ai de daddy on last sun. :)) happy ttm!! but i meet him awhile only cause i didn't sleep then when at his house i fall asleep, when i wake up he already gone le. sian lohx. :( anyway yesterday actually tonning de cause mummy call me and say there a peeping manic at my house there, people put poster then let other people know about the thing then i scare until don't dare go home lo anyway jinyu that stupid shark don't let me too keep ask me go home so end up all go home didn't ton. so very bo bian de sweetheart and fishy need to send me home *i didn't force them too* i told fishy i can go home alone but he keep asking sweetheart send me home so end up both send me home :)) reach home saw jiejie and her friend at downstairs, fishy and sweetheart still say got girl girl. hahax :DD so funny la. what more i still tell them auntie lo. stay at downstairs awhile cause jiejie ask us pei her then awhile later they both went up my house sit sit watch tv while waiting for jimmy to call them,,,, wave byebye to them :)
today morning about 8.30 wake up then just nice fishy text me cause his thing with me. meet him then have breakfast at purple market. awhile later sweetheart text me so call him meet me cause he wanna eat carrot finger :) but too bad when he reach already close le. pei fishy go somewhere else then go back to serangoon 147 eat, saw alvin beelay mao joey and admund. after that went to 144 meet yiling slack. admund went off then fishy went off. so left very less people so.. TRUE OR DARE!! :) super funny la, beelay kena kiss by alvin and sweetheart alot of time, plus ask me use my tongue touch ahbee tongue lo. still got allot allot!! hahax :DD play until 8 plus alvin went off sweetheart also go home then left the 4 of us go eat. meet fishy awhile then he go home. after eating joey go home then we go sweetheart house but he fall asleep so we slack at his house downstairs, slack awhile only he call me ask where are we so we ask him come down then slack awhile jiu go home le. i super ke lian la, i go home by myself. actually tonning at sweetheart house de but i lai ang so go home. :( poor thing hor? anyway just now on the way home ahbee call me chat, i like playing cs like that lohx, run here run there look everywhere la. think people that don't know will think that i siao lo.
Blogged @ 1:05 AM
Saturday, October 16, 2010♥

later going down help mummy awhile until yiling they all wake up then go find them. hmm.. later 6 plus maybe going down ping birthday. don't dare to go lohx, i look so weird going down togther with lina and her boyfriend plus reach there i don't know anyone!! iya, skip! yesterday was so boring lohx, plan to play mahjiong but end up everyone was sleeping, can't sleep well in sweetheart room also keep waking up. go home super early de, reach home about 9 plus then sleep all the way until 4 plus wake up text with marcus awhile, i didn't know what i said wrong lohx, the way he reply my text sound so pc. after awhile call wilfred (baby) then didn't know what i say wrong again, he told me he going sleep ask me go sleep also, hang his call then call sweetheart talk until morning about 8 plus then hang his call and go back to sleep until 12 plus wake up again rotting until now. :'(
i'm going bathe soon then go find mummy :))
anyway qian is out already :))
Blogged @ 1:50 PM
Friday, October 15, 2010♥
currently at wyron (sweetheart) house doing nothing, yesterday ton then morning sweetheart send me home cause i fall down then reach my house he chit chat with my mummy until quite late then i bathe jiu go his house le. sleep while waiting for ahbee to reach serangoon. meet her at 147 eat then go back his house then i fall asleep , kexin reach le then waiting for fishy to reach. i think yiling go back to sleep le. now they all fall asleep left me alone in a bad mood. :'(
what's wrong with the both of us?! i think you got me wrong but i'm testing you too, if you think it this way then i have no choice le, this show that you don't love me deep enough. i'm not gonng tell you what to do etc.. this have to depends on what you told me before and let's see you will really do it or not. i don't know what you really want, it really make me so so sad!! i tried to stop my tears but i just couldn't. tell me what should i do? should i continue what i told my friend that i wanted to do?! fuck it man!! hate the feeling, hate you, hate everything, if you wanna end it this way then we shall just end it this way fucker!!
Blogged @ 5:09 PM
Thursday, October 14, 2010♥
today actually is meeting wilfred de but end up jinyu they all say wanna go eat so i didn't meet him, but but but all wake up late so didn't go eat also. hahax :DD sometime people very funny lohx. i text quite alot of people ask them to morning call me but almost everyone didn't reply only wyron, jinyu, wilfred and mao reply say ok then this morning guess what? people that i text and never reply de call me and ii was like what the hell is happening sia?! why so sudden so many pople call me wake up make me can't sleep hao hao but too bad everyone call one time only and each time after they hang the call i fall back to sleep again only wyron and mao call me a few time.
didn't go to eat then they change plan to watch movie cause jinyu suddenly need to work. so i call yiling they all ask who wanna go watch movie the 'child eyes' . end up we also never watch le, maybe going pool later. sian lohx, keep changing sia. currently at home rot til die. =,= maybe going find mummy first help and pei her awhile then go serangoon meet maomao they all. wander now got who at serangoon le. hahax :DD no matter what i still need to wait for daddy cook finish eat le then can go out if not he sure nag agian de. anyway~ me and daddy got talk abit le but also talk very less. haix.
ok ok, think i'm ending my post le, cause need to go bathe le. don't know got time to make it to mummy there ma. mao mao keep rushing me le. hmm.. wanna add on, i everyday check who view me de hor, so don't view and never tag ah!! hahax :DD
oh ya, just now got malay granny selling ceropok outside my house lohx, jiejie got a shock fast run in our room and tell me. hahax:DD and and the bear that everyone was talking, the bear at bus stop finding for food de is a mascot lohx!! hahax :DD but so weird lohx, wearing that stupid thing at there finding don't know what thing but that place so ulu lohx. =,=!!
i'm so so happy that i can meet pei han and xiu ting :)) it's been a long time since we last go out le. we have fun talking with each other about our past and some other thing. hope we can meet up soon ohs!! actually i couldn't make it de cause i helping mummy on that day but end up i still get to meet them :) look how much we change from the past. now we shall wait for qian to come out then we all meet up again, planning to go town and have fun!!
Blogged @ 3:54 PM
Wednesday, October 13, 2010♥
Blogged @ 4:04 PM