Thursday, April 29, 2010♥
tomrrow is beelay my mummy birthday le :)
going to be lao le, just now mummy told me beelay birthday AGAIN?
hahax :D anyway post it now cause i scare later no time or i forget. ;)
hope tomorrow you will have fun :)
boyfriend booking out late tomorrow, 8...!!
actually it's ok for me la, cause anyway if he book out early i also can't pei him due to beelay's birthday ma. *guys can't go anyway* so i'll be meeting him at night :) miss him alot sia!! :'(
yesterday went to amk with joanna to buy her stupid mask. thought the shop was at where lor, end up the shop is way so back behind. =,= make me walk a long way just for 3 mask. ok whatever~ when we walk way there was one guy don't know doing what servale thingy came and talk to us. we keep walking and didn't care the guy at all until the guy say why don't want ans him then i tell him not schooling and not working then he ask then what you'll doing so i told him slacking all the way :) hahax :D walk walk.. then meet beelay's cousin for pool. i play around 5 to 10 min then i relase that i'm playing 8 feet de la =,= it's ok cause we take the table beside them de. after playing we went back to serngoon find beelay, yiling, jinyu and kexin. joanna ask me 73 can take de ma? then i tell her i think is can cause saw ling they all take before ma so we take 73 and wanted to stop at opposide 101 de but forget so after that stop go down. (press bell) and good, the bus turn in we thought is go straight de. bo bian we go down and walk. told joanna got people then we don't go down until basket ball there go down she keep don't want, then make us saw our good friend. (m&n corcolate walking) =,=! she shout so loud la, heng there got no people if not sure xia sway dao siao de lor. finally we reach 123 liao, sit there play poker, slack then home sweet home :)
i promise not to think but i just can't.
sometime i really hope you'll can understand my feeling.
so many quastion i've ask and yet it can't be answer at all.
Blogged @ 8:20 PM
i cut my hair le, it's so short liao.. going to purm it soon. miss my long hair.
and also make hao my spec le, guess what it's green :) cool uh~
anyway later maybe meeting ping nd hafiz at 5 plus, but i'm so lazy lor.
don't really feel like going out without boyfriend with me.
but i miss hafiz alot sio~ :'(
still thinking..
last few days when i was getting ready to bath, jie jie using the com and de de was still sleeping.
ma ma suddenly shout, so me and jie jie jiu faster ran to her room to see what happen.
and saw her turing here and there, keep shouting pain while holding the phone.
just like what i saw when i was young so i faster ask de de to wake up and see what happen.
awhile later ma ma stop and keep crying say she very hard to breath.
so jie jie and de de stay with her until godma came and help her.
awhile later i also go out le.
didn't know what really happen but i think it's about the same thing happen when i was small.
hope this thing won't happen agian cause it's kind of scary~
me and boyfriend..
taken alot but post some only cause really alot sia.
Blogged @ 3:27 PM

meet mao mao jo and admund, after awhile admund jiu go home le.
went to sakae eat (jo treat) then buy thing.
buy hao thing jiu go back serangoon slack, plus jinyu ling ahbee and jass.
poker all the way then go home.
quarrel again with my fucking attitude boyfriend again at ice pool and all thanks to him! =,=
not going to say what causes us to quarrel cause it's not really inportem at all.
i really can't stand his $*$@!*&(@!^* attitude la, someday i'm going to punch him right at his nose if he bark again de!
if we all live in a place where there is no jealous this thing.. ahh~ life would be much more better.:)
it's ok, i love the way how he is jealous, so cute~ hahax :D
but we both spoil the day and so sorry to jinyu!!
miss boyfriend but he kena rt. shag!
it's ok.. i will wait.
want him faster come out quarrel with me, if not very sian.
some bo liao thing that me and boyfriend do.
Blogged @ 1:26 AM