Sunday, February 28, 2010♥
if i know something like this will happen then call me god!
thing didn't turn out the way your want but it didn't turn out the way i wanted too!
so don't be too angry/happy or sad over it..
little thing change my thinking, move my heart.
i shouldn't be looking around, i made my own mood swing!
if i know i won't be looking around le fucker!angry, or should i be saying sorry everywhere??
really totally spoil mood ok?! fuck!! slap and let you wake up, if you gonna kb agian!
show until so ming sian le still don't dare to say, you're really a gay man.
really have enought of you le ok?
attitude me as and when you like ah, think what?!
now lose le wanna say me bitch?
go think before you anyhow say ok?!
i really can't understand why lor..
not jealouse but i really felt like a fool.
do i look like a fool?
because of you i get fool by one stupid guy,
finish you start! what the hell la!!
what you guy want from me?!
you're in the wrong but you don't seem to relise it at all.
or you're just pretenting you don't know? fuck la!
don't act ok? i know you know de i gain nothing from you but so?!
you betray your girlfriend and still acting you love her so much? laught!!
what did i do wrong??
must you run or hide when you saw me?
i stold your stuff, thing that don't belong to me at all.
i want you to understand that i don't mean what i say on that day de,
but thing are already over le so let it be over.
don't make yourself suffer just take it as a happy memorise.
i know you hate me but never mind i will never blam you.
i know it's my fault, i'm sorry ok?
Blogged @ 6:29 PM