Wednesday, December 30, 2009♥

ok some random and stupid stuff i found out and did this morning.
1. bo tai bo ji one guy message me without name de but end up i know who le.
2. shihao keep don't know he talking about what sia, make me so blur lor.
3. another guy text me without name again, =,= but this time i don't know who is he. i only know his friend.
4. wilfred is once again my stupid baby!! :)
ask me post his thing i also don't know what to say lor.
actually don't wanna post de because like very weird lor but i know he will check so bo pian la.
hmm... post what nehx??
ok, i will meet you when i free de ok? don't worry not i don't wanna meet you is really damn busy ah you see, i still love you de. hahahax!! >,<
erm.. i think i going bath le if not later kena scold by ling and chuanho so ya. bye~
Blogged @ 2:46 PM
ok another break up! =,= ok i know it's been always the same for me having a boyfriend for a few min/hours or days then a very random break up. i felt so uneasy with the last boyfriend i have. he and the sly are brother then i'm like.. ya what the fuck right? i know i know. {heart breaker} actually don't wanna break at first de but than that day when i was talking to edwin (not the one i just broke up) then he told me something that the other day aaron told me de, they both said the same thing but too difference thing la so i went to do some thinking and i can't come out with any ans at all lor. waste my time thinking! =,= anyway i don't feel any care from him? break le he also never ask why or what so stop the talking. text yi jie and he called, talking to him hoping he will help some but no lor. he is still the same, say what i always accept others then don't want accept him what more i break his record reject him more than ten time. =,= ok now yi jie do you wanna be my boyfriend? LOL! after we hang allan call, over happy! ^^ but today he is abit difference lor. hey you still own me TWO lollipop hor! i say i will post it means i will! and my hello kitty!!
joey say: if i don't trust him then no point being together and if i wanna trust him then give him more time. and my ans was 'whenever i want to trust i don't get the trust'
yi jie say: when guys care i jiu say them very irritating but when they don't i jiu say then don't really love me. and my ans was 'because they care at the wrong time'
before i say break mummy said something to me, it make me really think. what mummy said was true, i'm not young anymore keep changing boyfriend is not good so i'll be staying single ^^ i hope this time i say le will do dao lor. >,<>
no matter how hurt i am i'll just have to keep smiling :'(
Blogged @ 1:43 AM
Monday, December 28, 2009♥
someone teach me what to do or how to do?wanting someone to care is that so hard?caring someone is that so hard?i'm having a very hard time for the past 8 months,i guess only jasmine can understand my feeling.and now i have to face the pain again but to the difference person?what the fuck!!must i always hurt so much after hurting someone?!i don't really wanna hurt you de.i know i shouldn't say all this stupid things again,since i already got bf le,since i already said to give up le,since you already don't love me le,since you already don't need me le,and since i'm the one saying everything so why should you.but i really can't help it.i'm sorry!just talk to me again.shout at me, scold me, do whatever thing you want.just don't ignored me jiu hao.i'll be happy enough le, really!=========================================================
today going out with yen yen they all scare spoil thier mood,
but it's ok.
someone just somehow cheer me up >,<
he's really a great guy la.
i really have fun and understand somthing while talking to you. ^^
thanks edwin!
Blogged @ 2:45 PM
Sunday, December 27, 2009♥
ok i have already update some of the thing i have been doing this few days le, so now i'm gonna update you guys about me! ^^ first thing first, i broke up with (s) le. why i broke up with him i jiu don't think there's a need to say le right? >,<>SORRY!
the 2nd thing is gong haven call or text me at all yet! after the message i text you i jiu didn't recieve your reply le. so what now? really don't believe the things i told you? still think that i'm helping simon they all? you said you know everything le but why i ask and you never say? know what?! what do you think you know? you know nothing ok?! if you know than jiu will reply me liao what but you did not lor. you just don't believe what the things i say right? haix. sua la. nevermind, anyway there's nothing i can do also. i've done my best le.
and lasty, thing has been so messy this few days lor. is i'm thinking too much or what? can't really sleep well la, plus the whether is so cold lor. so far didn't told anyone about this except for him particular him~ i've done so much stupid thing and i don't relise it. fuck! what the hell am i thinking? damn! just forgive my every stupidness, show me the reson to live. please~ sorry!
Blogged @ 9:06 PM
chirstmas eve actually is go watch movie de but end up never go.saw darling and zhi rong so ask them join us.
misses darling so much!!
ke lian de darling fall down kena de face now not shuai le.
went to play pool at plaza then got some taiji so we went to mao house play mahjiong and heart attack >,<
on chirstmas ling bee mao and soon come my house ton.
because i can't finish the wine so ask them help.
but too bad mao can't drink cause admund don't let her too.
use jie jie de iphone play truth or dare.
we only press dare.
damn funny de la.
pei kena the most worst thing de.
draw leg, dance, honey on her nose etc.
as for me..
i'm the most heng one lor,
kena de thing all quite easy de only for the smell everyone leg >,<
Blogged @ 8:41 PM
Wednesday, December 23, 2009♥

today go out with jo mao edmund and desmond.
actually is plan to watch movie de but all sold out le left 10 plus de.then we go play ddr all the way then go amk play pool.

guess what is the?
kane beat or i cut again?
Blogged @ 12:25 AM
Monday, December 21, 2009♥
i ask mummy buy me big de elmo then she buy this for me. >,<iya, it's ok la i still love mummy! ^^
today went out with mummy agian!!you're should be wandering why i keep going out with her ba?mummy girl/daddy girl?laught!!i'm mummy daddy de precious girl man of cause must go out with them la! >,<actually is go out with them is better lor.mummy and jie jie love shopping then daddy is alway the joker!but i miss last time more (when mummy and daddy will pay for the thing i want)i bought heels agian!!siao liao lor mummy wanna throw away some of my shoes le.too full le, i need more space for my shoes!!i saw one blue heels at amk de storry damn nice de la.but i did not buy because mummy say i only can buy one i bought another one because i need white de.i like the blue one alot la!!last two pair le lehx~ :'(then heng heng got my size but can't buy!!i saw another black de also very nice but mummy stop me.say i got too much heels le. sadded!tomorrow kimmy they all de cell leader is coming over to my place to have never go raffles le.this week is almost full for shopping le.sorry guys can't meet you'll.if ayone wanna meet me can~but must go out with my mummy and must tahan me and my mummy shopping le. >,<

me and mummy take quit alot of photo on bus when we on the way to amk hub.
actually is i take alone de lor than mummy cut in. >,<
hahax :D all the way take until we reach amk!!
Blogged @ 10:50 PM
attuited me some more la!
knn i already so pc liao still give me this kind of attuited.
don't like me to mix with them say one time jiu enough le.
don't need keep repeating de.
and i say liao what i not alway contact them de!
you're worst then my mummy la.
happy jiu contact me ask why i never text you,
you don't know how to text or call me first de ahrx?
pc pc pc.
Blogged @ 12:06 PM

i'm super pc with that jia ming la!!
i told you i never means never le.
if you don't believe than why bother to come ask me?
you think i got so bo liao parka with simon they all mehx?!
i also not very close with them!
i only saw him a few times nia la.
you're the first person that i say so many time no le still don't believe me de la.
i know you first than them de lehx.
plus you're my ahgong why will i not help you and them?
that girl is that girl.
me is me!
we are difference person la.
how can you compare together de?!
from yesterday until now i keep saying don't have le still don't believe.
you think simon will take my num mehx?
even if got he already text or call liao ok?!
and if he or me want that time jiu save le la.
don't you remember that you use my phone text and call him?
then at night i still got call him find you?
and if he want ask me help zhao jiu ask liao la,
why must wait for so long?
and he suddenly got my num i won't ask you mehx?
say one round you jiu shi don't believe liao la?!
and what has it to do with pohleung?
we did not save each other num at first also lor.
don't believe you can ask him de.
i'm gonna say the last time.
i did not parka with simon they all!
you want believe jiu believe,
don't want i also got nothing to say liao.
come out talk is the best!
i also don't wanna waste my time talking to you.
since you don't believe no point talk to you too much also de.
i talk bo ling or you take too much **** forget what i say?!
i hao xin tell you what leary tell me that day than you say i parka with them. (sorry if i spell wrong)
next time if i know how much bad thing they say about you i also won't tell you le.
yesterday night bu xiao xin fall asleep while you talking jiu say i don't want reply you.
what the fuck la!
i really damn du lan with you la!
after we talk le you still don't believe i also bo pian liao.
Blogged @ 10:58 AM
Sunday, December 20, 2009♥
today went to godma new house bbq.
eat abit lor.
stomach pian agian at there because never eat the whold day.
me and jie jie thay all go toilet take quite alot of picture,
but i never post all out la.
post till here ba.
tomorrow still have church so must sleep early
(like i will? =,= LOL)
didn't meet baby because mummy say don't bring him go there.
tomorrow maybe not meeting him also.
pei jie jie go change her phone than pei jo for her break. ^^
cookie for everyone ^^
so beautiful
so unglam
i so high than they is like ...
walao so bu pei her lor.
kimmy knock until her head when we were pushing.
pei what you doing?!
open your mouth and raise your hand!!
smile~ :)
kimmy what's wrong?
too bo liao le.
just look at our face and laught!
i look so aunty. >,<
kimmy look so pc lor and jie jie what you doing?
pei and kimmy where you two looking?
my new brother >,<
blur look.
everyone walk like zombie la.
Blogged @ 12:02 AM
Friday, December 18, 2009♥
GREAT!what a happy ending._________________________________________________________
bi, all i can tell you is i'm sorry and i'm sorry.all those qs you ask me just make me feel so pc with you.i told you before we were together don't ask me ok?the more you ask the more i will be you ask de thing is all so stupid la!you know what i will say de than ask and make yourself sad?!you are like what the fuck la!making yourself suffer is that fun?i don't get it lor, said you will give me time de.but why did you everytime can ask me all those stupid thing?ask~ask more lor,you can try de.and please don't everytime force me to do thing that i don't want!you know you can't force me de it will only make you suffer nia.i don't have the mood to say more le.
Blogged @ 10:14 PM