Thursday, April 30, 2009♥
feeling really low right now and i don't know why..
again and again i'm sad, i'm angry, i'm confuse and always don't know why !!
i wish i know what i'm thinking but i just can't..
maybe i realy need some councelling ba..
someone that can really help me understand my own feeling..
someone that can share my feeling with and won't be spread around..
is it you don't love me le ??
maybe i'm right,
you really don't love me anymore since the day you two met each other..
i can see the feeling between your'll are getting closer each time..
keeping secret from me,
i may be thinking too much but i don't think so lor..
after that day i start to treasure you more than i ever do,
but you are no longer mine..
i think i'm just jealouse ba,
but why should i ??
am i really in love with you or it's just a prank that my heart and mind have made ?!
i don't wanna let go of you just like that,
i just wann you to know, ILOVEYOU !!
and my heart is breaking !!
because of her you said those thing infront of me..
my tears keep falling !
i kept quite when i heard those word came out of your mouth..
i just have the feeling that you like her..
don't know for fuck i said those thing to let you si wang of her or whatever shit la !!
this few days my feeling keep going up and down..
it will goo all the way up and come all the way down..
down down down till my heart dies !!
up up up till i've gone crazy !!
mood swing very very fast !!
faster then you can imagine it !!
but most of the time i'm always down..
alway feel like crying but don't know why,
just cry bu chu..
really very xin ku inside..
i'm happy because your'll make me so..
but whenever i saw .. .. or .. .. ,
i just can't control my feeling at all !!
wish that i can just hang, walk away or even da sheng de ask them to SHUT UP !!
really thinks that i'm goin crazy la !!
ya, i'm right,
i'm bleeding outside, crying inside and hurting both side !!
and nobody knows..
if one day i really forgot your'll,
don't make me remember everything !!
i don't wanna be hurt or feel hurt once again anymore !!
please, please, please.
last time de yuhuan has already GONE for good..
just let the new yuhuan go on her life without hate/hurt..
Blogged @ 12:11 PM
Wednesday, April 29, 2009♥
i feel so huo hui,
and i don't know why !!
the feeling suck alot !!
REGRET alot of thing i do..
maybe i should do this maybe i should do that..
haix.. :'(
maybe i have realy fallen in love with you ba..
i don't know..
if everything that i huo hui lai de ji than i wish time will go back,
but huo hui lai bu ji !!
so how ?!
who's gonna help me ??
sobx !!
feel like crying,
and just bursting everything out !!
like i alway use to do..
thing change since the day we all went out together..
i saw what you doing and i know you don't wish to let me know.
because when i turn to your direction you move it away.
but by heng or sway i saw the name..
attitude change the most !!
i called you and the feeling you gave me was,
faster hang lehx/wa sian why you call all this..
feel so hurt but yet you don't know..
never mind,
anyway i'm the 1st at fault..
just can't understand why,
or just was that i think to much ??
Blogged @ 11:26 PM
ya, it's comin to an end of my life !!
everything's GONE !!
maybe it's gone for good ??
i don't care, i have no future no present no past anyway.
i'm just wasting time on my everything !!
even if i'm ending my life now, it make's no diffrence too !!
so why should i carry on and wasting time ??
my mother ke lian ??
ohh, please la..
than who lai ke lian mi ?!
i'm crying, i'm bleeding..
blood driping all over my kitchen, toilet, t-shirt, towel etc..
hurting inside, who knows ??
i'm the only one that knows and feel hurt inside, deep deep down in my heart
i hate the feeling !!
i'm sick & tired of them repeating the same thing over & over again.
it's getting worst everytime.
i don't understand ??
ya !!
i'm just too inmature to understand everything they say.
just scold me anithing your'll like, cos i won't care !!
i'll just do whatever it came to my mind 1st.
i dote my father so much, but from yesterday that thing happen.
i know i can't control myself anymore.
i know i'm too much.
but so what ?!
who force me ??
my parents !!
so what if i cut myself.
yes it's correct, it won't solve anything.
but atless it won't hurt so much as how my heart hurts !!
all she know and say was tell daddy i did this tell daddy i did that and daddy going to scold you.
i don't let your'll understand.
ya, when i don't talk to your'll jiu will feel sorry la.
i don't need it !!
just carry on i won't give your'l prob anymore !!
won't go out, won't use phone, won't watch tv, won't play music so loud at nite etc..
i won't talk to your'l also !!
so don't try to talk to me too !!
Blogged @ 11:51 AM

guess what is this??
aniweii how lon you guess also no use de,, cos even i don't know what is it.
mi n yu pei keep thinkin but just can't figure it out.
scary sia !!
this photo is taken in my house on 26th apr 2.31 pm
how we know is taken in my house??
my sista reach home at 2.30 pm (she confirm with mi)
cos at that time she reach home & wanted to tell my mother that she reach home le.
after she put down the phone than she saw this picture de.
this photo gave me a nightmare also.
fuckin creppy sia !!
my dream tell me that this photo is the 4 of us, etc.. (ask mi if you want to knoow)
spot 2 face & one girl on the right hand side behind the two face??
the photo posted here is abit diffrence from my sister phone.
on my sister phone the picture is more clearer.
i send the piture to my phone le so if ur'll want to see it can ask mi.
but the photo on my phone is not so clear also.
Blogged @ 11:44 AM
Saturday, April 25, 2009♥
ytd nite go celebrate shirley b'dae, we have alot of fun sia !! those who never go reali miss it alot sia !! haha. i'll uplode alot of pic that we take. enjoy ! :)this is her b'dae cake, cute hor?? haha. actually is a heart shap cake de but melt le. (so sad :'( ) but nevermind we replace it with this. also the same la.
when she making her wish !
hahax, guess your also know what we doin ba. same thing happen to everyone that we help to celebrate de. nice shot man ! (me & galgal pustin her head to the cake)
when we were waitin for the food to come. (hungry hungry !!)
2pit jo take de, take also must take nice nice de ma. take until we so pc e face. at that time still cannot eat lor. (mi: i want to eat la !) (galgal: pc ah ! look at the food than cannot eat.)
shirley-the b'dae gal
mi, lookin so shag !
melvin daddy,
to jo: you know how to take anort? take until jovina face half only.
daddy prayin or?? aniweii at this time we still cannot eat !
tian sheng
snap shot ! the 3 sponge bob gal lookin blur. haha (still can't eat !)
not fair we can't eat but why lar bi xiao xin can eat le ?! some more eat my sotong ! humphx !!
after awhile jiu can eat le, yeah !! :D
when we eat hao still got abit left than nobodi want to finish it, so bee & melvin play siccors paper stone. lose de person muz eat.
daddy is the 1st to lose. haha. eat the big big cai. his piao qing also very ugly lor. haha !
bee.. lose le :'( eat cai also but her one is la de.
haha, lose again. this time the fish. he don't need to eat the head. he eat the eyes la ! gan er de lor ! stil can eat untill very tasty like that lor.
what is he doin?? 0.o
wow ! daddy finish all the food on the table. (fake)
yum yum,
finish eatin liao le. they stil got give us don't know what tian ping lor. gan ji tay de hard la ! aniweii we did not eat it.
after we eat hao we jiu go 130 slack, but we plan alot of thinn liao le. so mi & gal go toilet take water. but when we goin to take jovina, jo n shirley came in. sian -.-" nevermind, we wait. we pretent to let them go toilet 1st.

this pic damn funny sia, actually gal say act tu de but don't know why shirley n jo act cute lor. than gal say: a ! so the pic come out like that.
so, take again lor. haha.
all look so innocent sia.
notice gal keep air-ing her armpit ma?? chou chou !
shirley why look so blur??
sponge bob at the back, black black at the front. (but joanna more black than me le)
orh ! all pai kia sia ! (i'm not counted cos they force mi to do de)
tall to short
after they go out me & joanna preten want to go toilet than we fill the water. than they go 130 1st. when we reach there jo they all faster take all the thinn away they mi n joanna jiu at shirley de back pour water. after we pour water than we throw flour at her. run here, run there. melvin jo jovina bee n mi kena oso but not so jia lat.
shirley so ke lian see her hair n shirt. actually is the whole body lor. hard hard de. her hair cui until like haven cook de mee fen la.
still can peace lehx, not bad.
see her so ke lian than we say go basket ball court there usenthe water.
black side (mi n gal) vs yellow side (bee n jo) shirley is the refiee
peace ! i know i never peace.
when we reach liao, shirley sit there lett joanna mummy help her bath. saw the water bhind shirley back?? i know very dark, cos very late liao le. we play with the water also. after that mi n gal went to shirley house to let her bath than the rest go home 1st.
after we meet each other than go to prata shop eat. when we on the way there we saw alot of guy riding byicle pass us. me n joanna keep de siao each other say got shuai ge. haha :D ( all very er xin de lor you qi shi one gold colour hair de, eeeeeeeeeee !!!) the prate shop keep black out la ! ( never pay the bill ) the guy very noisy la. than joanna jiu sae why they louder than us, so i gu yi cough very loud. pc de is the prata like rubber la !! the only thinn that i can't stand. shirley is the 1st one to give up than joanna, melvin & lastly is mi ! i'm the winner ! but i also never eat finish la. we eat hao liao mi & melvin jiu play siccer paper stone, lose de people must drink one spoon of carry ( remix befor de carry- gott alot of suger & alot of light soya sorce) end up is i lose. ahhh ! e carry is very suan de la ! i swear i next time wont putt light soya sorce in carry n play liao. we got second round this time is melvin lose but not fair de lor, his one only got suger. tian tian de. after that we jiu go 147 toilet than go zhi zhi house downstair de playground. than at there slack al the way untill morning.
Blogged @ 9:31 AM
back to love aga,, why muz ii owase stuck at love?! aniweii love is e maine thinn on earth wad. hahaz, everyone nidd love. mayb tt's e reson ba. btt it hurts alot lehx !! cnn ii choose ?? ib cnn ii'l choose ntt too lub. :)my baby jus broke up wif his gf onli, haix. sad case for him. i don't know how to an weii you also. feel sad for you also. tok to you is lyk tok to a wall lor. kep-haiz, hello, wad you doin nia. lyk all you can sae is this la. poor thinn (keep cryin) baby sry, ii ytd reali v sick so did ntt pick up ur call n reply your msg.
fan !!
fAn !!
FaN !!
FAN !!
f-a-n !!
f-A-n !!
F-a-N !!
F-A-N !!
fan si wo le, that day he call than i let baby hear what he say, baby keep askin mii to giv him a chance cos he reali lub mii. btt idk why ! i just cant giv him a chance at all. wish he forgive mi.
can't reali say that i never give him a chance la, cos i told him to wait. if he don't want than forget it lor. for the time bein i just want to stay single, attacted to someone is lyk bein in lock up or what lyk that la.
just enjoy my life now & wait till my mr right appear :)
enjoy bein woo by other guy & hong !! hahaz :D no la, i not that bad ok ?? i just don't want xiao di di can liao. don't know kena what shit la !! hao lai bu lai, lai de all is xiao di di de. no an quan gan de. if got taiji i think is i protact them lor. althought they v sweet la but STILL DON'T LIKE !!
not reali v small la, is same age as mi de but oso younger what.
this is the month that my true love will appear lehx, but until now also don't have la.
lazy too post more,,
goin prepare my thinn,,
goin out soon !!
celebrate shirley b'day :))
somethinn i wish i could tell stright at his face:
I was hoping the words would just fall into place
Leaving us with the truth, no time to waste
But the more I thought the worst it got
You’ve screwed me up, like it or not
My memories of you are dark and grey
But these thoughts will always stay
The feeling of pain you gave me is here
I know you’re sorry but I’m still full of fear
I was pleading that time would make things right
That maybe this feeling will be gone tonight
But as time went on the truth revealed
It’s you who hurt me, I haven’t healed.
Blogged @ 4:59 PM
Thursday, April 23, 2009♥

babyB.Z. from ytd de ytd jiu sick until nw,,
sobx sobx !! :'(
no voice le,,
hen xin ku ah !!
ltr jiu goin c doctor le,, (doctor v shuai/pretty)
tt's y la..
hahaz.. :DD
on tue joanna finnaly find e ah gal taiji liao.. denn she dk wad too tel e ah gal.. denn ii jiu ask her jus tel her dunn walk until lyk tt lor.. soo joanna cal,, denn she guai lan too joanna lor !! dis is wad she sae (wa !! wo hen pa lehx !!) whoo listen liao oso angry la.. act until soo sa denn y dunn wann goo down tok ?? stil muz ask her gan daddy.. some more is lao puay lor.. damn pc la !! wann find her taiji until soo xin ku !!
chee hao oso another v hum ji de la,, aft e gal taiji fabian dey al wann find chee hao taiji ma.. bcos of guai lan oso.. haix.. ii help chee hao tok until 1 on 1 liao stil sae dunn wann.. kep saein he jus dunn wann fight nia,, 16 yrs old to 16 yrs old de v fair liao wad.. hum jiu sae hum la.. denn putt place n tym liao denn wann change place.. funi sia.. :DDD nw make until more worst la !! or bi oso la.. tt tym come down bu shi hao wont kena soo jia lat.. ib nw lett dem n tavis dey al saw more worst lor.. nvr use brain think de.. help u clear diao half liao wann find back e half.. some more dk is pao jing or wad lor..
Blogged @ 1:29 PM

goin outt soon,,
btt ii v borin,,
soo post smtt 1st lor..
v jin zhang..
he tokin too mii..
dunn tel ur'l whoo ii tokin too..
Blogged @ 6:40 PM
ytd actually is nvr goo outt de denn last min abt 5 to 6+ bui cal n ask mii wann goo down sg slack anort ib she calin fabian n wyron down,, denn ii sae ok lor.. soo wee mitt att jeff hse downstair de bus stop denn go down sg together.. when wee reach dey al haven reach lor.. wyron v slow la !! fabian more more worst !! nvm denn wee goo buy water liao denn goo 123 denn saw yi ling,, joey,, laising,, jin yu n peter.. when wyron reach liao e fabian stil haven reach lor !! aft tt ii jiu sae wann eat denn ask joey dey al wann eat anort denn goo together,, dk is when wee eatin or thinkin wad too eat denn fabian sae wann come down eat oso.. att tt tym ii was damn pc de la !! soo ii striagh away tel bui tel him no nidd come down liao le.. denn dk wad happen he jiu sae he goo 107 eat,, denn denn dk wad happen aga he jiu come down 147.. wee saw melvin att 147 coffee shop oso.. denn eat hao liao liang soon jiu ask us goo down 123 slack awhile.. when wee goo until ther gott eric onli,, slack yi xia xia jovina n philson oso come down.. until v late le wee jiu goo hm,, when ii reach my hse downstair denn ii dunn wann goo up e lift wif a uncle ma denn jiu gu yii walk slow slow denn more sway la,, ii lok bhind ii tott ii saw wad shuai ge la denn end up he walk closer abit is e 5th floor guy tt ii hate de lor,, stil take e same lift,, saw him al stil nvm lehx,, e worst part is hor when he come into e lift ii move bhind denn step until urine la !!dis mornin sw wyron e msg denn jiu cal him denn tott he wil ntt make itt cos scare he late ma denn end up he reach inn tym !! when wee was inn church damn funi sia,, wyron saw last tym a gal tt lyk him dee some more is sit bside lor.. wahaha !! denn aft church wee go find bui denn att blk 1 wate for bee n liang soon denn goo tm.. denn wee tm e new mal walk walk,, e mal stil ok ok la,, quite hao shop de v dunn hab more teen de thinn.. e onli shop tt ii lyk wad BUS STOP,, btt gan small de la !! lyk double of my toilet nia lor.. ii onli cnn giv 4/10 for tt mal la.. aft wee walk hao fabian jiu come down find us.. bui ask him too come down denn att 1st he is sae wad ib he dunn wann lehx?? denn bui sae nvm lor.. denn he jiu sae gott la btt ltr abit.. denn when he come down jiu ask bui ask him come down for wad btt he ownself wann come oso de lor.. aft tt liang soon sae wann goo back sg play basket bal ma btt denn ii dunn wann soo nvr goo wif him denn bui jiu sae she wann goo s11 eat denn e rest of us jiu goo down s11 lor.. denn eat hao fabian jiu ask us faster goo denn wee stil siitin ther ma denn he jiu cal n rush us soo wee jiu goo find him lor.. find him liao wee dk wann goo wher ma denn dk who jiu sae wann goo my hse slack btt fabian confrim dunn wann de ma soo he jiu cal other ppl denn he jiu ask us goo up my hse.. kep saein lor lyk wish tt wee cnn faster goo away lyk tt.. alr v xin ku liao he stil lyk tt psk la !! denn end up he jiu lyk angry att wyron denn goo away,, denn wee jiu sae goo hm lor..
Blogged @ 7:45 PM
ii gan sian de la,, nobodi peii mi tok or goo outt.. hubby todae goo suateng,, actually is wann mit de lor.. btt ii dunn wann c e AH GAL!! sobx sobx :'( damn angry sia.. hahaz..joey wee goin too help u le!!wee findin e ah gal (chee bye gf) n e bunch of pian zi e taiji !!ccb! hate tt bitch so much!think she v big ahrx ?giv her bcome small small denn she noe ah !!ii ask hubby e bitch v guai lan ahrx,denn he xin li is lyk ('erm u wann find her taiji?? , beta dunn tel u e turth ba)no ah, ok la.2pitt ans, lyk tt sae ii jiu bu shi zhi dao wad he reali mean..sian la ii fel v suay lehx.. dis few daes e guy jio mii de al v small de lor.. ii dunn wann xiiao di di!! hahaz.. shi zhong hai shi gu yi dunn lett mii forgett him.. ytd nite cry aga, ii reali mis him sia!LAIFU I MISS YOU ALOT !!ib u dunn lub mii animore jiu dunn sae tt kind of thinn.. (yuhuan ii stil lub u, yuhuan ii regret leavin u n lubin qian, yuhuan pls giv mii a chance too pay back u, yuhuan wee cnn start al over aga lyk last tym) ii wish too hate u more denn ii lub u,jus hao hao treat qian jiu ok le.. although ii'm ntt fren wif her le btt jus take care of her..ii wann goo out la!!
Blogged @ 2:32 PM
Wednesday, April 15, 2009♥
DAMN PC AH!!!FOR NOTHINN DENN IS MY FAULT LIAO!!CB LA!!!th story begin.. ..ytd actually mii n bui bui is plan too goo watch movie denn ask ppl too come outt dee.. denn todae bui end skul liao cal mii denn ii makin my blog ma denn she jiu kep ask mii goo bath btt ii dunn wann.. cos wee sae gott abit dunn wann goo liao denn dk wann goo wher.. denn she oso dunn wann confirm wif mii goo wher..(NVM!!) denn ii jiu continew use, awhile fabian jiu cal denn ask us wher wee goin denn bui jiu suddenly sae ntt goin aniwher liao le..(cos she angry wif mii) denn fabian ask y denn bui jiu sae cos dunn wann goo outt le..(pc e ansin back fabian) bu yi xia jiu v loud de sae ii wann hang liao denn jiu.. do do wad e hell ii did la, wann angry jiu angry.. think wad?!? ii her chu qi tong ahrx?? fuck!! dose ii lok lyk a tong??aniweii mii n wilson he hao le.. ^^ soo happy la! tott he stil angry or wad lor.. dis tym muz hao hao treasure liao le.. wish cnn goo back lyk last tym.. how ii wish ii nvr brim dey two down..:'(serangoon slacker, wow nolink! ii mis u guys!!
Blogged @ 3:06 PM

ii cutt my hair todae,,
v cute worr(bhb)..
actually is wann ask e person cutt back e same or lyk last tym de..
btt dk y e person cutt until lyk tt lor..
btt ok la..
cos actually wann cutt bang v lon le onli scare ntt nice..
reali is ntt nice lor btt v cute hahaz..
aniweii mummy sae wann buy laptop for mii..
oso dk is real or fake la..
confirm is gott ying mo de lor..
btt she tel mii dunn hab..
she reali jus wann buy for mii onli..
denn ii think is tt tym ii run away from hm e thinn..
ib nt she wont mii soo nice e lor..
tt tym ask her lett mii buy e 50+ shoe jiu kpkb liao..
jus wate lor..
slpin soon le..
soo everyone nite nite!! :))
Blogged @ 12:10 AM
ytd v late denn slp,, cant slp sia.. until 4+ 5+ denn slp lor.. fuck la! nobodi peii mii tok lor.. ya, suddenly rmb e JOANNA LIM hor nvr cal mii lor.. sae wil cal mii de end up nvr.. todae think is nvr goo ourr aga lor.. sian=.=" ah toon ask mii goo down sg btt haven confirm wif him.. actually is goo find bee oso de btt too late wake up denn she alr outside liao le.. actually oso gott goo tm wif bui de bt end up oso dunn hab liao le..
ib everydae lyk tt ii sure die fast ah.. save mii!! i nw gan sian de la..
nvm ii think ii gott thinn too doo liao le..
everyone happy readin!!
ii goin liao le..
buaye!! :))
Blogged @ 5:06 PM

Blogged @ 3:46 PM