Wednesday, January 28, 2009♥
yoooooooooohavin quite alot of fun inn cny.. i dae of cny ii goo my ah ma hse.. wee att ther ntt v lon la, cos aft my ah ma stil nidd goo my lao gu hse.. btt ii ntt goin.. aft jiu goo hm awhile jiu mitt daddy hao hao att my hse denn wee goo green hall mitt bee pui qian n mao.. denn 2nd ii goo my lao gu hse btt is my mamii side de.. alot ppl sia.. some more my 2 nephew grow up liao la.. andy n other ii forgett his name liao le.. sry worr.. hahaz.. of cos la.. one of dem same age as mii ma btt he is march de.. heng ntt older denn mii ib ntt when he cal mii yii yii lyk v guai lor.. btt dey oso dunn cal us de.. cos wee from young jiu play 2gether liao ma.. haix.. old liao la.. nw suddenly dunno y pop outt 1 nephew 1 nieces la.. denn dey kep calin us da yii, er yii, san yii n xiao yii.. you qi shii when wee goin off tt tym.. bye none stop la.. damn cute sia.. avin kep wann jie jie n peii peii too peii him.. some more dey v easily too gett jealous lor.. lyk when u plain wif one of dem denn e other wil chi chu.. ii take quite alot of pic n video of dey 2.. stil gott another 2 jaslyn n doral ii last min lyk tt denn saw dey 2.. when e last tym ii gott her pic doral stil baby onli lor.. todae oso lao gu de b'dae.. my mamii side de cous almost al v old liao lor.. 10 plus too 40 plus oso gott la.. some more one of my cous teach bad alot sia.. she kep scoldin bad word n oso v loud de worr.. iya ntt onli her lor she sista oso.. stil rmb when ii was young ii use too b v scare of her de.. postin my pic from cny 1st n 2nd dae de pic..

mamii wif her kebaya

jie jie n mamii

2nd dae of cny de wearin

fun fun fun

blue blue vs pink pink

wad a nice pose

avin my nephew n chantal my nieces

avin dunn wann chantal too him soo, she sit far apart from him


jie jie carry avin n chantal

chantal n peii peii.. wad a big diff inn their skin colour

chantal wad u doin??

kimmy n chantal

kimmy entertainin chantal

mii bee n mao

mii n peii peii

chantal y r u ntt eatin n yett lokin around??

peii peii n avin

avin sae peace

jie jie wif avin

jie jie mii peii peii n kimmy
Blogged @ 12:04 AM
Saturday, January 24, 2009♥
ytd mornin ii mitt peisheng shawn qian n pui att blk 1.. denn ii reach 1st denn shawn peisheng n lastly pui n qian.. dey brim mii my present down too, soo big?? btt nvm la, aniweii oso ntt ii take hahax.. ytd reali slack att green hall ther.. btt heng ah, green hall gott song kar.. wee goo hougang mal ther slack awhile too.. ii noe dis guy tt name melvin.. he is reali a great guy.. ii think he oso lyk dancin ba.. he sae wann intro mii too his fren.. denn ii was lyk gd gd intro mii too ur fren.. hahaz.. although gott abit sad sad n angry.. btt nvm la.. att nite wee ton att e turn turn play ground.. ytd nite reali alot of ppl sia.. wee mornin around 7plus denn goo hm.. sian sia, ii tott chee hao wil follow us lor.. btt nope, he didn't.. thinn change, he change.. haix.. ii cant doo anithinn too.. denn todae 3 plus mitt pui n qian goo eat denn slack awhile jui goo hm le.. btw qian sae she goin too delete her blog liao le, cos galgal gott her blog. sian..
soo soo soo sry too u, ii dunn mean too sae those hurt thinn too u de.. btt i'm reali scare tt ii wil hurt u.. ii dunn wann u too b lyk dem.. itt's diff, ib last tym de mii denn i'l goo wif u n break v soon.. btt nw ii dunn wann too hurt u, ii noe how itt fel when u're hurt deeply.. ib u reali wann too wate ii wont stop u..
Blogged @ 9:16 PM
Friday, January 23, 2009♥
happy b'dae to mii, happy b'dae to mii, happy b'dae to mii mii, happy b'dae to mii.. hahaz..:D ya tt's rite todae is my b'dae.. ii wish everyone wont beat mii 16 tym.. goin outt soon le.. cos ii dunn wann lett dem wate for mii.. sweet 16 jui sweet 16.. everythinn my fren too doo mii todae wil b sweet.. lub u guys lots..
Blogged @ 1:13 PM
Thursday, January 22, 2009♥
dis few daes v sad lor.. wish allan wil sudden cal mii n make mii happy.. ALLAN WHER R U?? v confuse la.. alot of thinn too lett mii fan.. cny is comin liao lehx.. ii dunn wish too cry.. jeremy is e onli one tt cnn peii mii al dis.. btt ii cant brim him outt.. sian.. tml is my b'dae le.. ii dunn noe wher too goo.. ii onli noe ii dunn wann goo green hall.. i scare.. btt oso dunn wann celebrate.. emm.. soo no place too goo.. ib my dreams came true how?? ii dunn wann..
Blogged @ 12:10 AM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009♥
ytd soo happy lor, daddy bought mii a fone.. 6600, ok la quite nice dee.. jie jie actually wann brim mii goo doo hair de lor.. btt end up nvr la.. sobx sobx.. btt she brinin mii goo tml mornin.. hahaz.. soo happy, reali is sweet 16 lor.. aft ii goo find dar dey al.. when wee att blk one wate for beobeii too come denn gott one uncle ride bicycle goo pass us.. denn he goo one round denn turn back.. dar sae wann goo de btt wee att ther nvr goo.. e uncle att bhide us steam la.. v er xin lor.. some more his cork stil come outt of his pants la.. is damn er xin de.. denn wee faster goo away when mao tel us.. aft wee walk away e uncle oso walk away denn wee jui saw peisheng.. thx gdness la.. heng wee saw him lor, denn wee ask him peii us.. mao ask mii de siao him abt he v bao shuo.. btt ii nvr.. denn aft he gott abit lyk ntt happy.. dunno y suddenly goo hm lor.. denn ii ask mao gott msg him anort denn she sae dunn hab ma soo ii tel her ltr ii msg him.. denn mao dunno y sae dunn care him la.. btt bu dao yi xia zhi she jui ask mii msg him ask wad happen.. denn mii n bee was lyk.. erm, erm, erm.. hahaz.. noe wad we thinkin?? guess ur oso noe ba.. soo ming sian liao lor.. denn aft .. .. .. lazy rite.. hahaz.. denn when baobeii reach while wee jui goo hm le.. cos wee wann watch siao yuan superstar..
boii, ii wish ii cnn apologise too u.. btt ii guess u wont wanna tok too mii ba.. rite?? ii'm reali sry for wad ii sae too u.. reali reali v sry.. ii dunn mind ib u dunn forgiv mii.. n i'm sry tt ii almost lead u too death.. I'M REALI V SORRY!!!
Blogged @ 12:17 AM
Monday, January 19, 2009♥
wad sistaship n frenship al abt?! too u wee r wad?? sista?? fren?? a sista tt cant trust?? a fren tt cant trust?? u dunn trust us denn fine.. fren for soo many yrs liao le.. wad's rong wif u?? from e dae u noe laifu u change! n it's alot doo u noe?? ii guess u dunn noe ba.. y muz u lie too us?? him laifu jui sae mitt laifu la.. dunno ytd de ytd ahrx.. ii dream of dardar n qian tokin.. denn awhile qian jui walk aside denn dar ask mii goo over denn she tel mii tt y qian dunn wann tel us tt she mitt laifu.. dar sae is qian scare tt she ntt wif laifu liao denn ii patch back wif laifu.. 2pitt rite??whoo wann e xiiao dii dii back?? some more ntt same age denn smaller or one yr lor.. is 2 yrs ok?? is lyk wad sia!! lame la.. aniweii ii oso hab fallen for someone els liao le.. e guy more gd denn e TO LAI FU
la.. other dae denn tel ur abt e guy.. muz confirm le denn tel ur more.. cos nw stil v confuses.. denn todae ii goo view her blog aga.. denn ii saw a guy bhide.. att 1st tt dae ii view ii nvr saw hao hao soo nvr c.. denn todae actually wann goo c she gott post ani thinn anort denn saw until e pic aga.. heng nvr x diao lor.. denn ii click e pic denn saw laifu bhide.. stil tel us tt dae she wann goo hm lor.. att 1st sae wann ton denn when dar sae goo her hse ton denn she sae she mayb cntt ton de some more stil nidd take care of dii dii.. lier lor.. how cnn wee trust u?? ii use too understand u alot de.. btt nw, ii cant understand u ani more le..
Blogged @ 1:45 PM
Sunday, January 18, 2009♥
todae quite sian lor, early inn e mornin jui goo church liao le.. v tired lor btt for my father God, soo bo bian.. oso ntt reali bo bian la.. ii oso wann goo de.. hahaz..:D todae is pastor Melvyn preach, heng ii todae nvr slp de whold service lor.. btt stil nidd too confess la, ii did slp while.. todae toks abt "how to live e most excellent life".. ii noe alot of words oso, patience means great suffrin.. boastful means ntt listenin to others.. proud/arrogant means u lack respect.. love is ntt easily anger, love owase patience.. aft church ii went hm cos mao n dar haven wake up denn ii dunno goo wher mitt ma.. when ii on bus liao denn dar msg mii, she ask mii mitt att her hse btt ii sae dunn wann.. heng ii gott goo hm ib ntt jui dunn hab e fate too mitt until e shuai ge liao lor.. hahaz.. cos when ii reach hm ii goo cook maggie mee, v ke lian hor?? cos mamii nvr cook soo ii eat dis kind of unhealthy stuff lor.. denn when ii eatin until half way denn gott 2 person walk past my hse door.. denn one of dem stop denn one walk back.. denn ii stop eatin for a moment.. denn saw a guy outside.. he v shuai la..! he ask mii ib my hse gott anithinn tt cnn giv de poor de.. btt ii dunno gott anort soo goo ask my sista.. denn my sista oso sae e guy shuai lor.. cos he lok outtside ma.. aft ii walk too him denn sae sry ahrx, ii dunn think my hse hab.. denn he sae thx too mii jui walk away le.. v sad lor.. bt atles he gott smile too mii.. hahaz.. aft ii jui goo slack liao le.. todae nothinn much too sae when ii outside lor.. btt when ii reach hm ii saw 2 guys v shuai lor.. todae damn heng sia.. saw soo many shuai de guys.. lol.. denn reach hm jui online chat wif fren le.. hehe..
Blogged @ 11:53 PM
Saturday, January 17, 2009♥
todae wee peii jasmine goo merina square, btt ntt reali peii la, cos wee v late denn reach.. hahaz..:D denn actually is al mitt att my hse de, btt suddenly qian ask mii goo her hse cos she dunno wad too wear.. soo ii wate for bee n mao too come 1st denn goo together.. btt when dey reach my hse liao ii stil ntt ok.. as ur noe ii'm a v slow gal ma.. soo dis kind of thinn cntt blam de ma.. denn aft ii bath hao stil thinkin wad too wear lor.. change dis change tt.. lok v funi lor, btt ii dunno wher goo rong.. end up oso wear back.. hahaz.. al bcos dardar lor, she sae wear ves n high heels denn v hard too peii ma.. aft ii hao liao jui goo down denn ii rmb tt ii forgott take money.. sian.. soo goo back n take, when wee att downstair liao denn ii saw one guy v shuai lor.. btt walk near abit denn dunno y bcome v fat liao le.. hahaz.. actually is got two guy wear de same lor.. dey kep lokin att us sia, ii gott abit scare scare lor.. ii noe ii v pretty btt oso no nidd kep lokin de ma.. denn when wee goin down too another side liao denn dey cal us.. denn ii was lyk.. SCARE.. denn wee goo qian de hse.. aft bee dunno y sae wann goo hm lor.. v wad la.. ps us.. denn wee goo take mrt.. dardar hab no patience de la.. kep ask us to faster lor.. wee alr try our v best to faster liao le lor.. denn wee stop att merina bay, when wee goo outt no bus stop att al lor.. denn one side is express way denn other side is al construction la.. denn ther liao dardar stil ask us faster lor.. btt oso cntt blam la, cos her class ppl eat hao liao le.. when wee r outside e mrt wee saw alot of sailor man.. some of dem quite shuai de.. denn one of dem take our photo for nothinn lor.. some more nvr ask de.. denn wee jus walk away lor.. denn wee find for cab.. denn wee reach le jui goo mac eat when wee goin mac gott one guy whistle denn mii mao n qian jui lok bhind denn wee saw a guy ntt v shuai lor.. some more gott abit er xin la.. denn aft wee goo back too hougang de green hall practice dance.. bee learin oso.. ii make new step le.. aft jui goo hm le.. denn ii online denn gott one guy v de fan lor.. he askin dis n tt.. denn aft gott another guy ask mii spread tt e kenric is a hongster.. soo everyone pls bcareful of e kenric.. denn add mii inn msn or frenster cos he wil harresed u de.. ii alr kena liao le.. for more information pls contact n ask.. ib u dunn wann too b harresed by him too..
Blogged @ 12:20 AM
Thursday, January 15, 2009♥
yoo, i back aga.. hahaz.. ii noe my blog is soo damn dead rite..?? soo ii nw goin too post le.. erm.. wad too post neh..?? early inn e mornin mamii jui att ther gua gua jiao liao le.. OHH GOD PLS HELP MII! ke lian de mii nidd too doo house work for e 1st tym.. haix.. vacuum my room n e hall lor.. nw my bodi achin here n dere la.. actually ii dunn wann too doo de lor btt scare my mamii nag my daddi soo bo bian lor.. my daddi oso v gu yii lor.. when my maimii naggin us denn my daddi read e bible v loud la.. even inn my room ii oso cnn heard la.. hahaz..:D
dis few daes ii hab been slack wif qian n dardar e most.. nw wee dunn slack wif guys liao lor.. hahaz..:D actually gott ddy haohao de.. btt tt dae he tok too mii lyk tt ii dunn fel lyk tokin too him ani more le lor.. so sad sia.. bcos of a gal tok too us lyk tt.. he think he v big la..?? wad soo gd abt e yi li liang li san li, SI LI de..?? soo onli cute nia ma.. chio ok la.. btt e attitude ntt gd lor.. ii denn dunn wann dis kind of gal too b my mamii la.. er xin..
last few dae ii mong dao smtt v scary de lor.. some more is on my b'dae lehx.. ii swear my b'dae ii wont goo green hall slack de.. ii dunn wann smtt lyk tt too happen on my b'dae la.. left few more dae too my b'dae liao le.. 2pitt lor on my b'dae mornin stil nidd peii my mamii goo market or ntuc too buy new year de thinn..
wish everythinn chould goo rite
Blogged @ 2:18 PM
Sunday, January 11, 2009♥
todae mitt qian n dardar att dardar hse downstair denn wee goo buggis.. cos qian n dardar wann buy chinese new yr de cloth.. wee walk v lon lor.. wee oso saw jeffrey wif his parent.. walk until leg pain sia oso v tired.. denn wee sae dunn buy liao le.. other tym denn buy aga.. denn wee cal ah bee denn wee mitt dem att green hall.. when wee goin back to hougang wee hab alot of funn inn e bus lor.. alot of ppl inn e bus sia denn wee squeeze inn.. dardar saw one uncle v black btt is chinese denn dardar jui sae bao jin tian denn mii n qian jui turn over n c denn mii n qian jui saw e uncle hit until e buy mirror lor.. damn funni sia.. mii n qian cntt stop laughin lor.. aft awhile gott china ppl come down from upstair ma denn one of e china ppl jui lean bhind denn gang hao dardar e hand att ther denn dardar jui use other hand n hold e other hand tt e china ppl r leanin on denn she shout ah ah ah v loud la.. denn gott alot of ppl turn around n c.. pai sae sia.. denn when wee reach liao wee goo hougang point e toilet 1st.. denn buy thinn eat denn goo over too green hall slack.. wee wate for dem awhile onli.. denn qian jui suddenly tel us her last tym dream.. aft mao mao said her one.. denn when qian sae wee al v scare lor.. cos got abit of ghost ghost thinn de.. while qian was telin her story dardar kep lokin att my back lor denn ii buay ta han liao.. soo ii turn denn dunno y everybodi kep shoutin denn wee al jui start too run here run ther liao le.. denn dardar scare until cry denn wee al stop.. denn wee ask qian too continew cos she sae bhind is funi de.. denn aft she sae liao wee al jui att ther laugh cos reali v funi.. denn mao mao jui dunno y start e ghost ghost thinn aga.. denn she jui start abt one movie some more sae wad gott ghost sit on ppl shoulder.. denn wee you v scare aga.. aft awhile jiu ok le.. todae damn sway sia.. saw ben kai wen yu an joey laifu n jeffrey.. saw dem is ok la.. btt ii dunn wann c laifu n ben.. att 1st ii dunno is laifu when he ride bicycle past by in front of us.. cos dunno dardar or qian sae whoo is tt?? iszt laifu?? denn ii v confirm e sae no la.. some more v loud lor.. denn qian n dardar jiu v loud de sae is laifu la.. denn ii jui lan lan lor.. cos his hair is v de ugly lor.. ii nvr lie.. reali reali v de ugly la.. er da pian lor.. dunno lyk wad sia.. spoil my mood lor when e moment ii saw him.. ben oso lor.. soo er xin stil wann att ther act.. aft wee al goo hm actually wann goo bowen ther take bus de btt end up ii peii dardar take 72 denn att her hse ther change bus.. denn when att dardar hse ther e bus stop v ke ar lor.. att 1st dardar tel mii gott one bangarla smile att her denn ii tott nothinn de ma.. mayb dey ti guo onli or wad.. denn he walk n sit bside mii n smile att mii oso lor.. denn ii v scare ma soo walk aside denn he sae aaaa denn dunno wad ii cntt understand wad he tokin.. denn mii n dardar scare until dunn dare too goo aniwher.. wann too take bus oso dunn dare wann goo hm oso dunn dare.. denn ii ask dardar faster run up her hse denn ii run too other bus stop.. att 1st dardar dunn wann dee cos she dunn wann ps mii ma.. some more v late liao le.. denn aft she sae when she reach hm jui faster cal mii peii mii inn fone.. denn ii jui faster run too e bus stop.. ii att ther v scare lor.. when ever ii saw bangarla ii jui v v scare liao le.. when ii saw my bus liao ma btt e bus stil att e hong lu deng ther ma.. denn jui gott 1 2pitt e shadow denn ii jui kep lokin.. cos e person walk v funi.. denn ii jui forgett abt e bus liao le.. some more ii nvr raise my hand lor denn e bus nvr stop lor.. angry sia.. actually ii dunn wann take bus 53 de lor.. btt end up oso take lor cos bus stop onli gott mii n other too person ma one gal one boii denn e gal goo up e bus.. denn stil ok ma.. cos gott e guy ther wif mii att e bus stop.. denn dunno y e guy suddenly take 53 oso lor.. denn ii jui bo pian lor.. ii oso take 53.. sian la.. stil nidd too walk lor.. denn wheneva ii saw bangarla ii jui run lor.. scare until ban tiao ming gone la.. wad a sway for mii lor.. bad luck sia..
Blogged @ 11:07 PM
Thursday, January 08, 2009♥
tml is peisheng e b'dae liao le.. ii nvr prepare anithinn for him.. hahaz.. fel lyk v bad lor.. yang yang de oso comin liao le.. wee oso plan ntt too help her celebrate her b'dae.. v bad la.. ii noe.. btt iya.. beta dunn sae la.. sae liao oso sway lor.. some more on yang yang de b'dae wee goin buggis buy thinn sia.. hahaz.. wish tt qian cnn everydae slack wif us sia.. nothinn much too post oso.. ya, everyone congrats mii cos ii think ii alr forgett laifu liao le.. think onli la.. nw stil ntt confrim yett.. dunno whoo wil b e nxt too lett mii tiong xim or too play?? hahaz..:D
Blogged @ 11:41 PM
Tuesday, January 06, 2009♥
todae is mummi e b'dae soo ii v early jui goo hm le.. b4 ii reach hm ii goo purple market buy cake.. when ii goo down ii saw johnton lor.. he v suai sia.. aii sii him le.. hahaz..:D actually wann buy fruit cake de btt al e shop dunn hab liao le.. ib ntt jui shi v big de.. soo end up buy chorcolate de cake.. v nice lor.. heart shape de.. tml mornin mitt aii aii dey al.. soo muz slp early..
Blogged @ 11:18 PM
Friday, January 02, 2009♥
every1 1st dae of skul.. btt ii att hm doo nothinn lor.. sian sia.. wish cnn faster find a job denn jui wont soo boring liao le.. hahaz..:D dardar todae wake mii up.. actually is gott mitt qian de lor.. denn end up she dunno wad happen.. denn mii dardar n laifu kep findin her btt she nvr pick up or repli lor.. denn mii n dardar jui goo find her.. denn dardar use my fone too cal laifu denn wee mitt him awhile jui found qian liao le.. btt onli laifu goo mitt her cos qian dunno wee wif laifu ma.. soo mii n dardar jui goo eat mac lor.. denn wee scare tt laifu tott wee follow him denn wee tel him goo ntt followin him jus goin too eat.. aft wee eat nothinn too doo ma.. denn wee cal haohao de siao him.. ii act cryin denn tel him ii quarrel wif dardar denn dunno wher dardar liao.. he reali blive lor.. hahaz..:D sry too de siao u ahrx.. denn aft mii n dardar buy bubble n spray goo carpark n play.. v fun lor.. btt e spray alittle onli la.. denn wee ask qian too come down btt she cntt.. dunno reali anort lor.. wee att ther slack liao denn ii jui suddenly wann goo toilet soo wee jui goo koevn hub.. dardar siao de la.. almost whole dae she att ther kep makin e 2pitt sound.. ii postin ytd mii n my sista buy e shoe..
Blogged @ 9:31 PM